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We have been overwhelmed with the toy donations this year. Thank you to our wonderful, generous families for giving to this appeal. I am very proud to be able to say that we have many quality gifts and that the children who will be receiving them will be very happy. Collection will take place tomorrow, any last minute toys can be donated in the morning only.
Another thank you to all of our participating children and families who attended our Parish Mass last Sunday. It was a strong attendance with many children taking part in the mass. We have now trained up some altar servers and we also had some children sing with the Parish music ministry. Mel Kent, so very generously organised a lovely morning tea and we were very proud of the way that the children engaged in the mass. THANK YOU!
Advent started on Sunday and we shared in a liturgy with the children to light each of the candles. Let’s share our buckets of hope, love, joy and peace with all those we meet.
We are really looking forward to our Year 6 Graduation and End of Year Mass in the coming weeks and look forward to seeing many of you there. Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas this year.
Nikki Dwyer
Dear Parents,
It is not a Principal’s message week, but as promised, it is with pleasure that I announce the staffing for 2022 as part of the newsletter. We have a number of new staff joining us as well as Deb Deighton re-joining us after a posting overseas with her husband.
Principal – Andrew Casey
Assistant Principal – Breen Fox
Religious Education Coordinator – Nikki Dwyer
Office Administrator - Jodie Luhrs
Classroom Support Teacher – Judy Elliott (4 days a week)
Kindergarten Gold – Katie Horsburgh
Kindergarten Blue – Veronica Trow
Year 1 – Jessica Mead
Year 2- Breen Fox/Nikki Dwyer
Year 3 – Ellen Fletcher/Cathy Ryan
Year 3/4 – Levi Heffernan
Year 5 – Kerrin Henderson
Year 6 – Ben Macintyre
Library – Liz Mihalopoulos (Monday, Tuesday and every second Wednesday)
Music – Debra Deighton
French – Chhaya Sood
Classroom Support Assistants – Maria Barbara, Jenny St George, Mishelle Pucci, Tracey Trewhella & Patrea Johnston
In addition, Nikki Dwyer is taking leave in Term 1 & 2 for family reasons. An Acting REC position has been advertised and closes shortly. This position and the part time teacher for those terms will be announced as soon as it is finalised.
You will notice that the classes include a Year 3/4. This is due to a large number of recent enrolments for Year 3 so Catholic Education has endorsed a straight Year 3 and a combined Year 3/4 class for 2022. Parents of students in the current Year 2 & 3 were informed yesterday with the option to express an interest in the multi-age class. All responses will be considered.
A permission note for the end of year Mass was distributed yesterday. The students will travel by bus from school departing at 9.30 for a 10am start. Parents are most welcome to attend. COVID -19 restrictions and plans are under the auspices of the Cathedral so families will need to check-in via the CBR App and social distancing rules will apply.
Enjoy the sunshine (finally)
Lunch Order Update Weeks 10 & 11
Lunch orders - last day of school: Christmas Special!
Dear Parents,
As notified last week, lunch order preferences will be limited to a set menu in Weeks 10 and 11.
Week 10 (next week)
Cheese burger and chips
Week 11 (last week of school) - $5 Christmas Special:
Roast chicken drumstick, potato gems, peas, gravy, gingerbread man and a bon bon. Please note orders for the Christmas special will close at 5.00pm on Wednesday 15 December.
If you have a recurring order through Qkr!, please ensure that you update your preferences for both weeks.
Thank you to Sarah, Katrina and your merry band of volunteers for creating this special treat to end the year.