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A very warm welcome back for the start of Term 1, 2022! Our whole-school theme for this year is ‘Walking Together’. During our professional learning week, staff were able to undertake a spirituality retreat day to unpack this theme and apply it to our school and community context. Fr Trenton also joined staff in leading an insightful session on synodality as a way of journeying together. Students will have the opportunity to unpack this theme in class over the coming weeks.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions we have had to postpone all masses for Term 1. This includes both the Opening School Mass and Ash Wednesday celebrations. We are looking at potential dates to host our Opening School Mass in Term 2 to recognise and bless our school leaders and new staff. We are also in discussion with the parish to arrange the delivery and distribution of ashes.
In more positive news, we welcome all families to join us at St Peter Chanel Parish on Sunday 27th February, 9:30am. If any families are interested in assisting with readings, music or altar serving, please contact Training is available for students wishing to participate with altar serving.
Finally, families of students in Year 4 wishing to enrol their children in the celebration of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are invited to fill out the attached sacrament enrolment form. St Bede’s participates in the Sacrament of Confirmation by-annually for students in Year 5 and 6. This will be undertaken in the 2023 cycle. Other families wishing to participate in these sacraments are invited to contact the parish directly on or 6239 9846 to discuss options.
Best wishes for the term ahead. May we all journey together in love and peace.
Ben Macintyre
Acting Religious Education Coordinator
St Bede’s Primary School