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A warm welcome to Week 3. Over the past few weeks, classes have been unpacking our school theme of ‘walking together’ with many displays up in classrooms and in the school foyer as pictured below. These epitomise how connected we all are to our school motto of walking together in love and peace!
We await with joyful hearts for our first Parish Mass on Sunday 27th February, 9:30am, St Peter Chanel Parish, Yarralumla. We are still looking for more families who are available to assist. Roles can include reading, altar serving, participating in a choir or assisting with offertory. Please contact if your family would like to be involved in some way.
A reminder to parents of children in Year 4 wishing for their son/daughter to participate in the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist to complete the enrolment form attached to Week 1’s Newsletter.
Finally, I would like provide an update about Ash Wednesday celebrations. We have received word from the Vicar General Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn, Father Tony Percy that Catholic Education has decided that ashes distributed in schools will be done only by sprinkling of ashes on the heads of students and staff, not by placing ashes on the foreheads. We welcome this news as an alternative to not being able to host an Ash Wednesday Mass at all.
God bless,
Ben Macintyre
Acting Religious Education Coordinator
St Bede’s Primary School