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Happy Sabbatical Week! I hope that you find some time to relax and slow down amongst a very busy term! Our classes have been busy engaging in mindfulness activities this week as part of Sabbatical Week.
A warm invitation to our final Parish Family Mass of the term on Sunday 27th March, 9:30am at St Peter Chanel Parish, Yarralumla. Everyone is welcome to come and participate. There will be a morning tea at the conclusion of mass. Please bring a plate to share. If you would like to assist with reading, altar serving or choir, please contact with your expression of interest.
This year we will be hosting a ‘Purple Day’ in celebrating and recognising the season of Lent and showing our support for Project Compassion. We will confirm the date shortly. We kindly ask that you make a donation through Qkr! towards this initiative which supports the most vulnerable people in our world.
Another friendly reminder to parents of Year 4 students intending on enrolling your child in our sacramental programs for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist that you will need to return your completed forms by the end of Term 1.
Best wishes,
Ben Macintyre
Acting Religious Education Coordinator
St Bede’s Primary School
Kindergarten Parent Survey (2020-2022 families)
Kindergarten parents are invited to participate in a survey to assist the school in gathering information about how we attract, connect and engage new families to St Bede’s Primary School. The survey provides an opportunity to give feedback about marketing and promotion, the enrolment process, Kindergarten Parent Information Sessions and the Student Orientation Program.
We look forward to hearing your feedback as we look to strengthen our offering to new and prospective families. This survey will be distributed to families with students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 (The 3 previous Kindergarten Cohorts) in Week 8. Please check your email inbox/ junk mail to ensure that it is received.
Thank you in advance for your assistance and feedback. Please contact the office should you like to organise a time to meet Mr Casey to provide more personalised feedback.
Bullying. No Way! Planning for a safe and supportive school community
On Friday 18 March 2022, St Bede’s Primary School is participating in the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA). The NDA is Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative, connecting schools and communities to find workable solutions to prevent bullying.
The theme for the 2022 NDA is Kindness Culture. St Bede’s students will demonstrate Kindness Culture by participating in class activities promoting inclusiveness, respect and community belonging for all students.
Three key characteristics outlined in the national definition of bullying distinguish bullying behaviours from other forms of peer aggression behaviours which do not constitute bullying. The key characteristics of bullying include:
- power imbalance
- deliberate intent to cause harm, and
- ongoing and repeated behaviour.
It is important for our entire school community, including our staff, parents, and students to have a clear understanding of the definition of bullying to be able to distinguish these behaviours from peer aggression, and correctly identify and respond to incidents of bullying.
If you have concerns that your child is being bullied, please contact the classroom teacher in the first instance.
For more information, please visit the Bullying. No Way! website for additional resources. You are invited to take time to read the attached fact sheets for parents.
In 2022 our school will be participating in NAPLAN Online from 10-19 May. This will be for Year 3 and Year 5 students only. Students will complete the NAPLAN Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy tests. To find out more information about NAPLAN Online, visit NAPLAN assessments provide parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are performing at the time of the tests.
At St Bede’s Primary School we prepare students by embedding the skills and knowledge required for NAPLAN in our teaching and learning unit plans. Students can see the types of questions and experience the types of skills both at school and home by visiting: Students will also be involved in a NAPLAN practice test session in later Term 1 and early Term 2.
In the next newsletter, Mr Casey will share some NAPLAN 2021 data and a short analysis that identifies focus areas for 2022.
Some time ago, the ACT Government announced that check-ins and masks will continue to be worn by staff and adults in primary school settings. Masks are highly encouraged. 2x RAT kits, per week, per child will continue to be distributed to families until Week 8. From 28 March, RAT kits will be available to families upon request. Please contact the school office should you require RAT kits beyond 28 March.
Parents are reminded that students with COVID like symptoms should remain at home until well enough to return to school.
Please refer to the St Bede's Primary School website for further information.
A massive thank you to Aaron Torline, Michael Konarzewski and Doug Thorne for generously serving the St Bede’s Community by removing the low limbs of the trees imposing on the top car park. Parents will find it easier to manoeuvre vehicles as it is estimated that approximately 5-6 parking spaces have been reclaimed.
Thank you to Katrina Spadafora and Sarah Crewdson for their work in the Snack Shack. St Bede’s students have enjoyed the return of Friday lunch orders. A reminder that the menu is continually being added to. All funds raised are supporting your child/ren through the P & F.
The P&F met on Tuesday 1 March and we were happy to see lots of new faces at our first meeting of the year! We are blessed with a passionate and active parent community at St Bede’s which sets us apart from other schools.
We would like to welcome Zoe (George Kgn) as the new manager of the Uniform Boutique and welcome back our wonderful tuckshop ladies, Sarah and Kat who are back in the kitchen on Fridays with all the homecooked meals for the kids.
We have some exciting things coming up with our second hand uniform market, Thrifty Thursday, on 31 March, the Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Lennox Gardens on Saturday 2 April and the Easter Raffle on Friday 8 April.
Welcome to all our new families, we look forward to meeting you all at our upcoming events!
Jen Maher
On behalf of St Bede’s P&F
Just a reminder that school fees are due by Friday 18 March except for those families on an agreement such as direct debit/Bpay or other arrangement with the school. Prompt payment would be appreciated thank you.
The following students received an award in Week 6:
Kinder Gold | Annabelle, Olivia, Tom |
Kinder Blue | Louis, Larsa, Molly |
Year 1 | York, Zoe J |
Year 2 | Eleanor, Hamish, Lachlan |
Year 3 | Cidney, Hugo, Jarvis |
Year 3/4 | Robert, Daisy, Matty |
Year 5 | Dan, Hailey, Audrey |
Year 6 | Xavier, Victoria, Scarlett |
Kinder Gold | Amelia |
Kinder Blue | Chloe |
Year 1 | Rose |
Year 2 | Francis |
Year 3 | Xavier |
Year 3/4 | Olivia |
Year 5 | Zalia |
Year 6 | Audrey |
Principal's Award | Olive K |