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“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” Philippians 2:4
People first is a relatively simple message… or is it? As parents, we want our children to grow to be considerate of the needs of other people, we want them to place the interests of others ahead of themselves. It is true that there is great value and reward in doing so.
As parents, we place the needs of others ahead of ourselves, particularly when it comes to our children. We do everything we can to ensure that our children have every need taken care of. From sporting opportunities and dancing, to music and the arts, from reading and additional learning tasks, we provide because we love our children and are placing their needs ahead of others.
St Bede’s Primary School is proud to be a school that places People First. Our school aims to be student centred in all that it does. Students are provided with rich educational opportunities to develop each individual student in a unique way. The individual learning journey, while sharing some commonalities, is unique. Our teachers and support staff are skilled at catering for the individual needs of each student. This is what makes St Bede’s such a special place, kids are known by all. We are also served by Fr Trenton and Fr Alex, Catholic Education staff and a wonderful counsellor, Mrs Amy Kennedy. Please contact your child’s teacher should you like to make a referral and access support for your child. No worry is too big or too small!
Over the course of the school year, our school will join together to place the interests of others ahead of our collective interest by fundraising and supporting various causes. Raising money and raising awareness for a particular cause not only makes a significant impact on the lives of others, it makes a significant impact on our own lives. People feel good when they place people first. Later this term our ‘Purple Day’ will be a chance to raise funds for Project Compassion and make a difference.
At St Bede’s there are ample opportunities for our students to benefit whilst being considerate of others. It may be working with someone collaboratively within the classroom, assisting someone with a task or encouraging someone to join in a game. St Bede’s is a school of inclusivity where students are happy.
The St Bede’s motto, “Walk in Love & Peace” is another illustration of People First. In loving each other, we aim to serve each other. Our Year 6 students are serving our school community very well and have made a strong start to the year. The Year 6 Clubs are further examples of opportunities that benefit the school community. We are particularly proud of our Year 6 students and the varied community services they are providing.
Of course, our school history is a beautiful example of People First. The charism of the Good Samaritan Sisters that we deeply value is the result of a group of women coming together and placing the needs of the community ahead of their own. May we lead faith filled lives as we serve our school community.
We are grateful to those who faithfully serve the St Bede’s community. Thank you for your contribution.
Just a reminder that all students should be in full winter uniform when they return to school for Term 2 on Wednesday 27 April.
Tuesday 26 April is a pupil free day for staff professional development.
Spanning across the six weeks of Lent each year, Project Compassion brings together thousands of Australian schools, parishes and supporters to raise funds for people living in some of the most vulnerable communities across the world.
Your generous support can help change lives today and for future generations.
St Bede's are raising funds for Project Compassion and donations can be made through Qkr!. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Family Mass will be held on Sunday 27 March at 9.30am at St Peter Chanel, Yarralumla. All are very welcome and it would be appreciated if you could bring a plate to share for morning tea afterwards.