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We are well into the season of Lent with the joy of Easter just around the corner. Thank you to all the families who joined us for our lovely family mass on Sunday. Next week we have two important events occurring at school on Friday 8th April; Stations of the Cross Liturgy and Purple Day. Unfortunately, due to restrictions, parents will not be permitted at our Stations of the Cross Liturgy.
Purple Day is a wonderful opportunity to join in celebration for the end of Term 1 and raise some much needed funds for our Project Compassion Lenten Appeal. Dress in your finest purple attire including shirts, shorts, dresses, socks, shoes, headwear and bling! Donations can be made through the QKR! App.
A final reminder to parents of students in Year 4 to complete and return your Sacrament Enrolment forms by the end of next week. This will assist with planning and collecting resources for their participation.
Have a safe and restful holidays!
Good bless,
Ben Macintyre
Acting Religious Education Coordinator
Communication (Important Notice)
Please be advised that from the commencement of Term 2, St Bede’s will utilise Compass as the primary form of communication. Parents are asked to ensure that they have access to the Parent Portal. Regular invites will be sent over coming weeks to assist families.
We will no longer send notifications through SZapp. Compass will replace this mode of communication and St Bede's will cease use of the SZapp App at the end of Term 1. Please only use the Compass Parent Portal to submit absentee forms.
Compass will be utilised for absentee notes, excursion/event permission and messages. Please be advised that emails received from the school may be identified as Compass. Parents will receive a notification that a message has been received through the Parent Portal and will be posted on the notice board.
St Bede’s Primary School are pleased to announce that Mrs Katie Horsburgh and Mrs Veronica Trow are our Kindergarten teachers for 2023. As such they will be leading the Kindergarten Orientation Program.
Families with kindergarten aged children are invited to enrol now for 2023. Please click on this link to take you to the Catholic Education Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn. Should you have any questions in relation to your child enrolling at St Bede’s, please do not hesitate to contact the office for an appointment or to talk to the principal.
Families are also asked to have conversations with their friends with school aged children to ask them to consider St Bede’s Primary School for their child. We are accepting enrolments in all year levels and look forward to strong numbers in Kindergarten in 2023.
St Bede’s are very happy to advise that capital works will be carried out during the Term 1 school holiday period . We are pleased to also advise that there are further works planned for St Bede’s in 2022.
- Rubber Softfall will be replaced with certified bark chip
- Autex pinboard to be installed in all classrooms, infants corridor and throughout office/admin
- Painting of senior classrooms
- Replacement of the administration roof
- Administration area/offices to be painted and carpeted
- Installation of blinds in admin/office and new Kindergarten classroom
- Removal of glass wall in the library and repairs to carpet
Thank you to Julie Douglas, Breen Fox, the P & F and the Board for lobbying throughout 2021. St Bede’s also thanks the Director, Ross Fox and the Facilities Team for being supportive of additional works.
We look forward to sharing some before and after photos to illustrate how we are transforming St Bede’s to give our students the best facilities possible.
Please be advised that there is a slight change in the process of School Fee Collection. From Term 2 onwards, fee accounts will be generated in Week 1 of each term with a due date of Friday of Week 5. This will assist the school with the collection of fees each term.
Please contact Andrew via email should you like to discuss any matter in relation to school fees and accounts.
Kindergarten Survey (2020, 2021, 2022)
Thank you to the people who have already completed the Kindergarten Feedback Survey.
St Bede's are seeking your feedback to build on and improve the Kindergarten experience of new students and their families. You are strongly encouraged to provide feedback to the school in relation to your personal experience of enrolling your child at St Bede's. This is also an opportunity to reaffirm the teachers and the positive element of our enrolment process.
This survey is open to parents of students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 as we would like to identify trends over time and validate the feedback data with a larger sample group. If you have had multiple children start in the last 3 years, you are invited to complete multiple surveys or comment within the one survey. Please complete the survey by Monday 4 April 2022.
You can access the survey by clicking on or pasting this link in your address bar
As previously advised, Tuesday 26 April 2022 is a Pupil Free Day. Care is being offered by YWCA, the onsite providers of Before and After School Care. Please contact them directly at
We look forward to seeing all students on Wednesday 27 April 2022 for Term 2 in Winter uniform.
St Bede’s Primary School is appreciative to the Commonwealth government as we received a $2200 Sporting Schools Grant. These funds were utilised to purchase additional sporting equipment for our students.
We have an exciting week ahead which started with our first Thrifty Thursday this morning. It was great to see a strong turnout, enjoy a coffee and meet some new faces. The P&F looks forward to running this event on a regular basis. Its a great opportunity to restock your child’s uniform whilst catching up with friends and meeting new ones. Thank you to all the families who donated clothing items to the clothing pool. We raised almost $1,200.00!
This Saturday we have the annual St Bede’s Easter egg hunt at Lennox Gardens from 10:30am. Morning tea will be provided, coffee will be available for purchase from a coffee van and of course the main event: the Easter egg hunt. For my kids this event is the highlight of the Easter season. Don’t forget to bring your own Easter basket to collect your loot.
Finally, we have the Easter raffle being drawn on the last day of school, Friday 8th April. Tickets are available for purchase through QKR! until Thursday 7th April. We invite families to send in a small Easter themed item (egg, bunny, basket etc) as a donation for the raffle.
The P&F wishes you all a happy and safe Easter break.
Monica Kyburz
The school has some mushrooms growing in different areas near the boundary of the oval and carpark areas. We have been advised by government representative that these are not death cap mushrooms. We will continue to monitor our playground spaces.
The ACT Chief Health Officer is reminding Canberrans not to eat wild mushrooms after several hospital presentations last week. You should not touch any wild mushrooms with bare hands and should keep children and animals away from them.
Inspections are being conducted across the ACT where death cap mushrooms have previously been identified. If you think you have seen a death cap mushroom in a public area, you can report it to Access Canberra on 13 22 81. For more information about the death cap mushroom and poisoning symptoms, read Death Cap Mushrooms.