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"So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up." Galatians 6:9
At St Bede’s Primary School there is so much that is good, or even better than good. We have fantastic students, great staff and terrific parents - our school community consists of a lot of good people. Our school community is committed to doing good. This means that we are committed to looking after each other, building each other up and offering support to those in need. One recent example of this was a Kindergarten student running and falling in the playground. Before I could walk 5-6 metres, about 6 students of all ages picked her up and offered an abundance of support, care and comfort. Another example was the St Bede’s fundraising effort during Lent. We all have stories demonstrating all that is ‘good’.
Term 2, saw the return of parents into our school community. Thank you to the mums who attended our ‘Bubbles and Cuddles’ afternoon and shared their children’s learning at St Bede’s. Our Year 6 students are currently working on building our student community by preparing the St Bede’s Feast Day, whilst our Year 3/4 class are preparing the school mass. Again, there are so many examples of our students, staff and parents doing ‘good’ for the benefit of out students and the St Bede’s Community.
In the scripture passage above Paul has just asked the Galatian Christians not to grow tired of doing good. Doing good is hard work, especially if someone begins to doubt whether it matters. Paul is urging the Galatians to keep living in a way that is consistent with what they believe. They are free people in Christ, and God's Spirit is with them.
As Paul suggests, doing good is not always easy. At St Bede’s we are committed to continuous improvement, doing good and making things better. This means that we will continue to review and reflect on what happens here. We are always open to and encourage students and parents to provide constructive feedback.
Finally, as we celebrate St Bede, it is only fitting that I share a quote of St Bede. “It is better to be stupid and uneducated… than to be one who lacks the bread of love".
Take care
St Bede's Primary School have successfully applied to be a part of the 2022 Floriade Community. Our school will recieve 1200 bulbs to plant, enabling us to continue to improve our school environment with the additional of some magical colour.
This builds on the great work of 2021 where the front garden under the school sign was transformed through the same program.
A very big thank you to Mrs Fox for submitting and cordinating the application process. She will also coordinate the planting of the bulbs once they arrive.
Our school has been a buzz showing prospective parents around St Bede's. Our students are being great ambassadors of our school.
We are currently taking enrolments for all grades, Kindergarten to Year 6 for 2022 and 2023. Please take up the challenge to refer a friend to visit and experience what St Bede's has to offer.
St Bede
- Feast Day May 25
- Bede was born during 673 near the English town of Jarrow
- Benedictine monk, became a deacon at 19 and entered the priesthood at the age of 30
- voracious reader and prolific writer
- remarkable devotion to prayer and study
- priority to prayer, fasting and charitable hospitality
- produced more than 45 books – primarily about theology and the Bible, but also on science, literature, and history
- taught hundreds of students at the monastery and its school
- died on the vigil of the feast of the Ascension of Christ in 735
- declared Doctor of the Church in 1899.
More information is available at
Monday | Winter Uniform - All Students |
Tuesday |
Sports Uniform - K to 3 Winter Uniform - Yrs 3/4 to 6 Gymnastics P&F Meeting @ 7.00pm |
Wednesday |
Sports Uniform - Yrs 3/4 to 6 Winter Uniform - K to 3 St Bede's Day - Mass & Year 6 Fete (donations through Qkr!) |
Thursday | Winter Uniform - All Students |
Friday |
Sports Uniform - All Students Gymnastics Snack Shack open for lunch orders only - orders must be submitted by 5.00pm Thursdays via Qkr! |