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- 26. Key Kindergarten Events
- 25. Compass Communication Portal
- 24. School Routines
- 23. Before and After School Care
- 22. Technology at St Bede's
- 21. Rest Days 2023
- 20. Specialist Classes
- 19. Class Contacts - WhatsApp Group Kindy 2023
- 18. English at St Bede's
- 17. Maths at St Bede's
- 16. Kindy-Set-Go Information (Part 2)
- 15. Kindy-Set-Go Information (Part 1)
- 14. Lunchtime and Clubs
- 13. Book Week and Library
- 12. Religious Education and Faith Life
- 11. School Uniform
- 10. Parent Involvement @ St Bede's
- 9. Reading time!
- 8. School Readiness
- 7. Music at St Bede's
- 6. Reading
- 5. Kindy-Set-Go Update
- 4. Celebration and Recognition of Student Achievement
- 3. Meet Our Kindergarten Teachers
- 2. First Day of School
- 1. Welcome to Kindy-Set-Go
Kindergarten is a very special year for every students and their families. St Bede's has a number of key events that our kindergarten children experience. These include the first day of kindergarten, school photos, 100 days of kindergarten, visiting performances, reading helpers, and the Christmas Nativity performance. There are many more opportunities as well.
One big highlight is the Christmas Nativity. Kindergarten children prepare and rehearse lines and scripts, learn songs, and also learn actions of movements to depict the Chistmas story. Parents and freinds are welcome to attend this very special day that is obviously held late Term 4, nearer to Christmas. Our Kindergarten teachers work hard to ensure that each student has their moment to shine.

25. Compass Communication Portal
St Bede's Primary School uses a platform called Compass to communicate with parents. The Compass mobile app can be accessed at your app store.
We utilise Compass to:
- send messages to parents (News Feed);
- organise parent teacher meeting (Conferences);
- prepare and distribute student reports;
- provide information and gain permission for excursions and events (Events);
- absentee notices;
- update parent contact information;
- student medical information.
You will receive an email with login details in January and be asked to organise access to the Compass portal. Please feel free to view the attached information guides when you have a moment.
Our wonderful students have settled in nicely to life at St Bede's. There are a number of school routines for parents to be aware of as we move into the final weeks of Term 4.
Times 2023
8.30 - Supervision (playground)
9.00 - Morning session
11.00 - Recess
11.30 - Middle Session
1.30 - Lunch (eating 10 mins)
1.40 -Play (30 mins)
2.10 - Afternoon Session
3.10 - End of day
First Day
The first day will be identical to each week of Kindy-Set-Go. Parents will deliver students to the classroom. Students and parents are very used to this routine.
*Note: All other days - students will be delivered to the playground where they will place their bags in their class line and play prior to the morning bell.
Students have been very competent with opening their lunch boxes and other lunch items. You can help by encouraging your child to eat sandwiches or the main lunch item prior to snacks or treats. Also children are encouraged to eat fruit prior to snacks, etc.
Weekly Memo/Newsletter
Each weeks the school will email a school newsletter. The Family Memo is a part of this newsletter and outlines the events of the following week. It also informs parents of what uniform student should wear each day.
Compass Parent Portal
In 2023 parents will receive an email invitation to download the Compass App. St Bede's uses the app for most communication with parents. This app is also used to notify of student absences, book parent teachers conferences, give permission for school excursions and access your child's school reports each semester. It also serves as a message board for the school.
Stationery and Book packs
St Bede's Primary School provides all books and stationery for students. Parents are not required to purchase any items for students.
23. Before and After School Care
Before and after school care is available each day at St Bede's and is supervised by the YWCA rather than St Bede's. In 2023, YWCA will utilise the school hall for before and after school care. This location makes drop off and pick up very convenient for parents.
YWCA accept casual and permanent bookings and operates between the following hours:
Before: 7.30am - 8.30am
After: 3.10pm - 6.00pm
Please contact YWCA on 02 6185 2040 or email
Parents can download an enrolment form at and return it to them directly.
If you would like more information about the program that is offered, please email them and ask any questions.
To discuss with your child:
1) use the label before and after school care (before and afters);
2) discuss early drop off or late pick up and inform them that school teachers will not be present;
3) discuss working with other students and collaboration;
4) talk about areas of interest and ask YWCA to see if these can be accommodated or included in activities.
St Bede’s has strategically resourced all elements of technology in preparation for 2023 and beyond. Our school balances student learning with technology and ensures that they are not on screens for large parts of each day. In short, technology has an important role in learning, but isn’t relied upon heavily.
In 2023, we will increase STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) to 1 hour per week. Mr Macintyre will engage students in many STEM based activities that will increase their capacity to problem solve, collaborate, critically analyse and be creative. Our students will experience the use of iPads and Chromebooks as well as engage in opportunities to build, construct and code. Students in K-2 will use iPads in all areas of learning throughout the year. They will also experience coding and robotics.
The school provides all technology in the junior years (K-2). We are currently reviewing our technology requirements in the senior grades (3-6) and will report back to families in 2023.
Each classroom has an interactive screen that is utilised by teachers and students during lessons. We have also purchased new monitors and laptops for staff in preparation for 2023.
Things to do with your child:
- Focus on learning apps and games when using iPads or other technology;
- Encourage children to play outside and be creative;
- Utilise boxes and other materials found in the home to build, create and have fun;
- Challenge your child to problem solve;
- Use technology to gather information and draw plans on paper for imaginary machines, etc.;
- Identify/discuss how technology helps people.
The first day for Kindergarten in 2023 is Tuesday 31 January 2023. School commences at 9am and concludes at 3.10pm. The day is slightly longer than Kindy-Set-Go. The first week will be 4 days and will not include a rest day.
We find that our littliest students become quite tired when settling into school during the summer weeks. As such, please be advised that rest days will be scheduled for:
Wednesday 8 February
Wednesday 15 February
Wednesday 22 February
During these days, appointments will be made with families to have a parent meeting and an appointment to undertake some assessment activities. More information will be shared in due course.
Things to do with your child:
1) Talk about the purpose of rest days
2) Discuss that learning makes children tired
3) Reference tiredness throughout summer on hot days
4) have some summer rest days over the Christmas period
St Bede’s Primary School is proud to offer a broad curriculum that engages and educates the whole child. In 2023 children will participate in library, French, STEM and music. These lessons are taught by specialist teachers rather than the classroom teacher.
We believe it is important for all children to be given the access and knowledge to not only learn a new language, but to also gain an understanding of another county and their culture. French is spoken by over 221 million people across five continents and is the second most widely learned language after English. Instilling a love of language at an early age has many benefits, at St Bede’s we support this by having a specialist French teacher who teaches the children from Kindergarten through to Year 6. Through learning from an expert, the children become fully immersed in the world of language.
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education puts an emphasis on preparing future generations to be successful in their careers. The skills gained from STEM education extend beyond those needed to be successful in STEM fields, preparing children with varied interests who move into any industry to have valuable skill sets that allow them to be successful. The focus on hands-on learning with real-world applications helps develop a variety of skill sets, including creativity and 21st-century skills.
Our school library is accessed by all students each week. Our library is a unique space with a range of resources to enable students to develop a love of reading. Library lessons full of hands-on activities, busy research lessons using a multitude of resources, and times of silent personal reading.
At St Bede’s, music is taught using the Kodály program, inspired by the philosophies of the Hungarian composer and educator, Zoltan Kodály (1882 – 1967). Music serves to develop a person on all levels – emotionally, spiritually and intellectually. Kodály believed that every person has musical aptitude and that, ideally, a music education should begin as early as possible in a person’s life – firstly at home and then later within the school curriculum. Kodály believed that singing should be the foundation of all music education.
Things to do with your child:
- Listen to music and discuss how it makes you and your child feel
- Identify musical instruments and sing songs
- Borrow books from your local library
- Complete some simple science experiments
- Talk to your child about languages and different countries
19. Class Contacts - WhatsApp Group Kindy 2023
Hi Kindy 2023 Parents,
We will be your class contacts next year.
Our role is to assist with communication between the school, classroom and families, and to help new families connect with the wider school community.
While the school sends newsletters and other notes home to communicate with all of us, at times, it can be hard to keep up. We will keep up-to-date with what is going on in the kindy classes and the school so we can distribute information, answer questions and/or point you in the right direction.
We have set up a Kindy 2023 WhatsApp group to communicate with our cohort and invite you to join using the QR code below.
Looking forward to meeting you all in person very soon!
Jess Block and Erin Lloyd
K-2 teachers have begun teaching Initialit as part of our Literacy session each day. InitiaLit is an evidence-based whole-class literacy program providing all children with the essential core knowledge and strong foundations to become successful readers and writers. InitiaLit is a three-year program, covering the first three years of school (Foundation to Year 2).
Initialit is implemented across four terms, InitiaLit–Foundation (Kindergarten) offers an explicit and effective model for teaching reading and related skills to children in their first year of school in a fun and engaging way.
InitiaLit–F focuses on two main components:
- Phonics, to systematically and explicitly teach the basic alphabetic code in a set sequence. In addition to learning letter-sound correspondences and how these are applied to reading and spelling, children will be introduced to common morphemes and simple grammatical concepts.
- Vocabulary, oral language and listening comprehension through quality children’s literature. Detailed lessons, including writing tasks, are provided for each of the storybook titles selected for use with the program.
InitiaLit-F program structure
The program is designed to be delivered in a 90-minute instruction block (ideally uninterrupted, but this can be broken up if timetabling requires). This will include:
- 20-25 minutes of whole-class teaching (ideally four times per week) using a detailed scripted lesson plan.
- 30-45 minutes of further literacy work (these are activities to consolidate the teaching, either completed independently or with a class aide/volunteer while the teacher works with groups on reading and wordbuilding).
- 15-20 minutes for a Storybook session. This literature component provides opportunities to develop oral language, vocabulary and comprehension, with one storybook used as a focus over four sessions.
- Regular progress monitoring using curriculum-based assessments (CBA) to identify needs of children.
Activities for you and you family
- Read to your child as much as possible.
- Encourage your child to make up stories.
- Identify letters in their name.
- Attempt to rhyme.
- Identify the first, middle and last part/sound of words.
St Bede's have reorganised how maths is taught across the school. At St Bede's we use research informed High Impact Teaching Practices (HITP) to ensure that children can grasp and apply concepts. Our teachers analyse student assessment data to plan mathematics programs for students. The assessment data clearly indicates individual and collective strengths and focus areas.
Our mathematics practices are based in the Science of Learning including cognitive load theory, interleaving (spacing out review questions) and retreaval practice developing automaticity (remembering and accessing).
There are 3 elements of each mathematics program at St bede's:
Daily Review
Research clearly indicates that review should be systematically planned and incorporated into the instructional program. Daily review is a focus on the mathematical skills that have previously been taught. Long term retention is best served if questions on a particular skill are spread out in time, rather than concentrated within a short interval. Review immediately after instruction consolidates the ideas from that instruction, while delayed review aids in the relearning of forgotten material.
Review promotes continuity and helps students to attain a more comprehensive view of the mathematical topics covered. It helps them summarise main ideas, develop generalisations, and get an overall view of what they have been learning. Review helps students to assimilate or consolidate what they have learned, enabling them to fit ideas into new patterns and also serves as a diagnostic tool, revealing weaknesses and strengths to students and teachers. It helps teachers identify what is already known and what is not yet known; then reteaching can be planned.
Further, review assures that the prerequisites needed for learning new content have been mastered and adds to students' confidence in their ability to move successfully to new mathematical topics.
Heavy Lifting Lessons
These are the explicit teaching lessons that deliver concepts and introduce students to new concepts and skills. These lessons are designed to go deeper in the learning, establishing real world connections and provide feedback for both the teacher and student.
Explicit teaching practices, including the effective use of feedback, are key elements of effective teaching. Such practices ensure that students have a clear understanding of why they are learning something, how it connects to what they already know, what is expected of them, and how to do it (explicit teaching). They also ensure that students are given opportunities to ask questions and get clear feedback about their performance against learning outcomes (effective feedback).
Cognitive load theory provides theoretical and empirical support for explicit models of instruction. The research demonstrates that for novice learners, explicit instruction, incorporating direct guidance accompanied by practice and feedback, is more effective than partial guidance.
Inquiry lessons
In inquiry lessons teachers use questions, problems and scenarios to help students learn through individual thought and investigation. Instead of simply presenting facts, the teacher encourages students to talk about a problem and draw on their intuition to understand it. Inquiry-based learning also focuses on letting students ask their own questions — essentially providing their own inquiry. Student led questions follow teacherguided inquiry.
Activities for you and your child:
- Identify numbers in everyday situations and explain the meaning of them (menu prices, speed signs, counting, etc.)
- Identify numbers by counting objects. Try and make different groups.
- Attempt to write any numbers
- Play number games. What number comes before and what number comes after?, etc. What is less and what is more?
16. Kindy-Set-Go Information (Part 2)
Below is a little more information in relation to the upcoming Kindy-Set-Go Program. You are invited to take time to read through the information. Please feel free to email should you have any questions throughout the holiday period (next 2 weeks).
To assist a smooth transition we ask that you take time to complete this google form
What to expect: The day will begin with some activities at tables. We ask that you help your child to find a spot for their bag, sit at a table with an activity they enjoy and then say goodbye. The days will consist of learning new routines, being exposed to a variety of our programs (literacy, maths, sport, art etc.), participating in learning activities that develop the children’s fine motor skills and play with a focus on building friendships and social skills.
Important information: Transitioning to a new school can be overwhelming for children and bring on big emotions. We have some suggestions for the lead up and on the day to support you and your child.
In the lead up:
Children need to know you feel comfortable with the school so it is important to speak positively about their first day. It can help to let them know the routine so they know what to expect. A conversation might sound like this:
“Tomorrow you will go and spend the day at your new school. It will be the first day for everyone there. We will go to school together and when it is time for me to leave I will give you a big cuddle, say goodbye and leave. It is okay to feel nervous and okay to miss your family because this place is new. You are going to make lots of new friends and do lots of new things and then I will come and pick you up and we will… (spend time just you and me in the car, go for an ice cream, come home and see the dog etc.).”
If your child seems to be very nervous in the lead up to the day, a fantastic idea is a ‘hug button’. This is when you draw a small heart on your child’s hand and your hand for them to press throughout the day if they are missing you. This sends a hug to you so you know they are thinking of you. If they hold their hug button it will feel warm and they will feel the hug you have sent back to them.
On the day:
It is important to be confident (even if you don’t feel it) as your child will pick up on any hesitation. This is why we ask you not to draw out your goodbye even if your child is upset. We suggest a confident goodbye, reminding them you love them and that you will be back at the end of the day. We will always call to let you know if a child does not settle quickly! We are experts at distracting children and getting them involved and often they settle once parents leave.
15. Kindy-Set-Go Information (Part 1)
We are getting very close to our first Kindy-Set-Go session in Term 4. We are very excited and looking forward to welcoming our 2023 students to St Bede’s on Friday 14 October 2022.
Please park in either of the school carparks on Hicks St or Nuyts St. You can also park on the street and walk in. This can become quite congested, and you are asked not to rush. A smooth drop off will help you and your child.
Arrival and Departure
The session is due to commence at 9am. You are asked to escort your child directly to the kindergarten classroom using the garden or courtyard entrance. There will be signage to assist you. To ensure a smooth transition/drop off, we ask that you say a quick goodbye and leave promptly.
The sessions will end at 3pm. Parents should gather in the garden courtyard and wait for their child to be dismissed. Your child will come out to meet you at the conclusion of the day.
Note: If your child is attending for a half day, please drop off at the classroom and present to the front office for pick up.
Signing In
Upon sign in, please list a phone number and the name of a contact person to be contacted should the need arise.
What to bring
Please ensure that your child has the following items each day. A smaller backpack is suitable for this.
- Water bottle
- Hat
- Fruit break (fruit)
- Recess fruit and a small snack
- Lunch (please do not order lunch via the canteen) This opportunity will happen toward the end of Kindy-Set-Go.
Please ensure all items are labelled with your child's name.
Please ensure that your child is dressed comfortably. They will be engaging in art lessons, sport and play on the playground. Your child will be given a Kindy-Set-Go shirt to wear as a uniform for the 9 days of Kindy-Set-Go.
- Continue to speak to your child about Kindy-Set-Go.
- Speak with excitement about dropping off and picking up.
- Start to organise the items listed above and have your child pack their bag.
- Continue to open packets, etc.
Each day students have the opportunity to socialise with the people around them. This can be through a range of organised activities or unstructured play. We encourage children to be social and connect.
Children can play on the equipment, participate in a sporting game or create imaginary games with their friends. In coming months, we are adding a nature play area to our playground where kids can climb logs & rocks and play.
We have many clubs that occur at lunchtime each day. These activities are varied and should engage any student. We are always open to suggestions for new activities. Examples include:
- science experiments
- art
- colouring
- gardening
- bootcamp
- construction
- choir
- singing
- origami/craft
The library is also open each day at lunch. Children can visit the library to read, draw, play board games or to relax. They could even complete a puzzle!
1) Share this information with your child;
2) Discuss playground rules and how to make friends;
3) Role play how to join in games and invite others;
4) Discuss your memories of school and what you enjoyed at recess and lunch or little lunch and big lunch;
5) Ask children to open packets or peel fruit, etc to prepare for recess and lunch (start using a lunch box).
Each year St Bede's Primary School spends a week celebrating books, and Australian authors and illustrators. Teachers and librarians conduct activities relating to a theme to highlight the importance of reading.
During the week, we have a character parade where all students from Kindergarten to Year 6 come to school dressed as a character from a book. This is always a big highlight for Kindergarten students and their parents. The teachers dress up as well!
St Bede's also has a Book Fair as a part of Book Week. Parents buy vouchers for students to select books and other items from the Book Fair. This supports a love of reading and also assists the library to purchase additional books for our great library.
Our school librarian also reads a range of the short listed books to the children in their weekly library lesson. There are always a range of activities for students to be engaged with. At times we may also have a visiting performer or an author visit. They will spend the day at St Bede's and work with multiple year groups.
Library lessons occur weekly. This is an opportunity for students to come and experience reading and share their love of reading with others. Children can borrow books weekly and take them home to share with their family.
The library is open each day at lunchtime. Students who choose to visit the library can read, draw, complete puzzles, play board games or relax. This is a terrific space for children to spend time in.
Please take the opportunity to watch the video clip of the book below.
Other activities:
1) Spend time reading with your child
2) Talk about your favourite book/ask your child about their favourite book
3) Talk about dress ups
4) Have a coversations to orientate children with books (front cover, back cover, author, illustrator, etc)
5) Make up stories using the pictures of a book
12. Religious Education and Faith Life
Religious Education (RE) is a key learning area at St Bede's Primary School. Children have short daily lessons which follow the Brisbane RE Curriculum which ties the teaching of religion with the Religious Life and Catholic Christian ethos of our school community in ways that are mindful of local contexts and the ecumenical and multi-faith realities of contemporary culture. As a community of faith, we pride ourselves on our values, pastoral care, and commitment to fostering the development of every child, challenging them to fulfil their potential in the pursuit of excellence.
Our Parish Priests celebrate class and whole school Masses with the school community at a level that is meaningful and relevant to the children. This, combined with the children’s expression through song, movement, drama and art, adds colour and life to the celebration and enhances their appreciation and understanding of the Eucharist as a religious and faith experience. Our school chaplains are Fr Trenton Van Reesch and Fr Alex Osborne.
We also celebrate the Feast of St Bede and other yearly feast days. The Feast of St Bede on 25 May is celebrated with Year 6 students organising a school fete. We also support Catholic outreach initiatives and causes through raising funds and awareness.
Catholic children are prepared for the Sacraments of Penance (Reconciliation) and Eucharist in Year 4, and Confirmation in Year 5/6. These programs are parish supported. Parents are invited to develop a better understanding of Christian life through family participation in Sacramental preparations and Parish celebrations.
St Bede’s School Prayer
God, Our Father,
You are with us as we begin this day.
May we show peace in our words and actions.
Help us to learn all we can and do our best always.
Mary, Our Mother, and St Bede help us to be considerate, courteous and cooperative.
We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord.
Fr Trenton
Activities/discussion points:
- Join our family mass on Sunday at 9.30 (St Peter Chanel, Yarralumla)
- Identify the various churches as you travel around Canberra
- Talk about your own upbringing or school experience (if raised religious or went to a religious school)
- Talk about prayer
- Read a children's bible
- Discuss the 'uniform' that priests wear
- Talk about Jesus and God
- Talk abour Christmas and Easter
Orders are filled in the week following your order and sent home with the eldest child. This may differ slightly during busy periods, usually at the start of the school year and during seasonal uniform changes at the end of Terms 1 and 3. The full St Bede’s uniform is available from the Boutique with all profits from sales going directly to the St Bede’s P&F to support our school.
We are run by parent volunteers and it’s a great way to be involved in the school community and experience is not necessary!
Please CLICK HERE to view the uniform list. Our school uniform can only be purchased at St Bede's. It is suggested that you purchase and order uniforms in Term 4. We also have uniform packs available.
Family discussion:
- Observe children in uniform as you are shopping, driving, etc.
- Discuss wearing a uniform - adults and children have different uniforms.
- Start to talk about sports days and normal uniform days.
- Share with your child that there are sometimes special days- colours, pyjamas, 100 days of school, etc.
10. Parent Involvement @ St Bede's
St Bede’s Primary School prides itself on the strong connection that is established and maintained with parents. These connections extend beyond the school to the formation of rich relationships between parents and families.
Parental involvement is highly valued at St Bede’s and there are a number of ways to be involved in our great school. These include serving on the School Board, being a member of the Parents & Friends Association, assisting in classrooms or with events.
The inaugural St Bede's School Board was established in order to provide members of the faith community with the opportunity to exercise their responsibilities in shared decision making. The areas of shared decision making encompass the following functions: financial management and accountability; planning; pastoral care; maintenance of facilities; and public relations.
The School Board is the policy making body of the school, working with the Principal to ensure that the formulation of all policies flow from the spirit of our school's Vision and Mission Statement. It meets regularly and you are encouraged to make yourself known to the parent representatives of the School Board, informing them of any concerns or suggestions you may have pertaining to school life.
The Committee of the P&F Association operates on a basis of close cooperation with the Board, Principal and school staff. The Association is vital to the life of the school and exists to support the school and students.
The P&F Committee actively raise funds throughout the year and this is part of the service to the school. Every family at St Bede's is automatically a member of the P&F Association. Your active participation is encouraged and welcomed.
At least one General Meeting per term is held at school offering you the opportunity to participate in the decision making process. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in Term 1 each year to elect the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and up to six committee members (ten members in total).
The P&F assists at Parent Information Sessions and Orientation Days with general school information, school canteen and clothing sales. On the first day of school for the Kindergarten class, morning tea is offered in the school hall to welcome all new families into school life and to provide an opportunity to meet other community members.
Each class has two parent representatives who provide a contact point for new families. Their aim is to promote a sense of community within our school and to coordinate pastoral care. During the year they organise gatherings for parents to get together socially at a class level.
In their pastoral care role they aim to be aware of, and respond to, family needs. A network of pastoral care volunteers can be called on to provide support and practical aid to families in times of need. A pastoral care contact person is able to arrange a meal, childcare or shopping as needed.
The Tuckshop is currently open on each Friday for lunch orders only. Orders are placed via an online app and prepared by 2 wonderful volunteers. All food is prepared and cooked to provide our students with healthy alternatives to processed food.
Parents are invited and encouraged to help at the school in a variety of ways. Parent help and support adds enormously to our learning environment and to building community. As a parent helper the need for confidentiality is emphasised.
In our partnership with you as a volunteer at St Bede’s we ask the following:
Working with Vulnerable People Card – legislation requires that all volunteers and helpers have a current Working with Vulnerable People card which must be carried with you when you are helping at school. A photocopy of this card should be kept in a secure file in our school office. Further information may be obtained through the school office.
Visitor Sign In – When helping out at school, you will need to sign in at the school office and sign out when leaving. This assists us in our compliance with legislation and also in ensuring your safety should there be an emergency or evacuation. Regular areas of participation encouraged at St Bede's include:
- sporting activities e.g. coaching, athletics and swimming carnivals
- excursions
- art/craft in the classroom
- working bees
St Bede's Primary School values reading and works toward the bold goal of our system "that every child is a competent reader". Reading is crucial for success and significantly contributes to learning. Each Kindergarten student has received a story from St Bede's. Please take time to read this story to and with your child. There are many benefits to reading. Quality, frequency and length of reading are also important. You are invited to click on the images below to view a number of stories for staff who will interact with your child in 2023.
Reading regularly with children from a young age stimulates patterns of brain development and strengthens parent-child relationships. This, in turn, builds language, literacy, and social-emotional skills. A review of the literature on shared reading found there were increases in the child’s:
- oral language
- vocabulary
- understanding of the conventions of print
- phonological awareness
- alphabet knowledge
Dialogic reading involves elaborating on a story by asking questions throughout the reading activity to create a conversation with the child about the story. This type of reading has stronger effects on children’s oral language skills than traditional shared reading where the child’s engagement in the reading activity is not as explicitly directed.
While the effects of shared reading on early literacy are well researched, other activities can also help develop emergent literary skills, including:
- singing
- nursery rhymes
- conversations
- oral storytelling
- environmental print (for example, written printed materials in the general environment such as street signs, food labels, billboards)
- use of digital media (for example mobile devices, smart phones, tablets)
Children come to kindergarten with a wide range of skills and interests. At St Bede's we are inclusive and cater for the interests and skill levels of all students. It is exciting to see that we have a wonderful group of children coming to St Bede's in 2023. There are students who:
- are curious about the world and how things work
- love to sing and dance
- enjoy stories and being read to
- are passionate about art and craft
- enjoy drawing and playing games
- love exploring and the outdoors
- like to count and make patterns
Many parents have asked "What does my child need to come to school with?" The short answer is that all children are different and will come with a varyiety of skills and abilities. Attached is a school readiness checklist to use as a loose guide in preparing children for school. This is not an exhaustive list and should not be seen as the minimum standard. Please do not be alarmed if your child is not doing all of the things on the list.
Feel free to practice some of the items on the list as you and your child prepares for life at St Bede's. If you have any concerns at all, please do not hesitate to reach out.
St Bede’s Primary School values the Arts and have great opportunities in the area of music. Students demonstrate their creativity in many ways. All classes experience music lessons on a fortnightly basis. Students can join a lunch time choir or have a singalong.
Each class experiences a wide variety of musical genres followed by a discussion about what they observe whilst listening and/or dancing to it. We learn about dynamics, pitch, beat, rhythm and tempo whilst moving, listening and playing. Students have opportunities to sing, dance and play instruments – and we have a lot of fun too!
Music education is important for improving children’s ability to learn. You are encouraged to read the following article by Dr Anita Collins who is an award-winning educator and researcher in music education and brain development.
St Bede’s has a number of private music tutors that can deliver private music lessons should they wish to receive individual tuition of an instrument. More information will be provided in 2023.
You are invited to:
- Sing nursery rhymes with your child
- Talk about and play your favourite song
- Listen to music and discuss emotions and feelings.
- Use household items to make a beat or clap to the beat.
- Identify musical instruments
St Bede’s Primary School strives for every student to be a successful reader. We are proud of our new Kindergarten to Year 2 Literacy Program that has been implemented this year. We have some very confident students who love books and reading.
Each week all classes visit the school library for lessons. They also have the opportunity to borrow books to take home and share. Students love reading, especially to other people.
Our library is also open during lunch every day. During this time, students can read books, play games , colour or relax on cushions and seating.
Parents are invited to:
- Read the book "I Went Walking" by Sue Williams or click on the link below
- Read books with your child
- Take time to complete the additional activity prepared (our librarian)
- Share your experiences of reading
“I Went Walking” by Sue Williams
This book uses repetitive language and encourages inferencing to guess the animals that are coming up on each page.
“I went walking” read with me link
Oral language
Talk about the names of the animals on each page.
Identify the colours of the animals and find other items in the environment that are the same colour.
Use simple inferencing and find the clues on each page that indicate the animal that will appear on the next page.
Sing “Old MacDonald Had A Farm” and include the animals from the story. For example: And on that farm he had a red cow….
Draw and write
All of the animals in the book can be found on a farm. Draw a picture of a farm and include the animals from the book. Label the animals.
Change the setting and create a new version of the story…. Instead of at the farm try: at the zoo, in my garden, at my school/preschool……
The Kindy-Set-Go Program is a readiness program to prepare our newest St Bede's students and their families for school.
The Kindy-Set-Go Program comprises 2 elements: an online orientation program and an onsite student preparation program. The online component is an electronic newsletter containing helpful articles, school related information and activities to prepare for school.
The onsite component is a series of days in Term 4 whereby students come to St Bede's and work with their teachers to learn new routines and prepare for St Bede's. This is a great opportunity for students to meet their new classmates and for parents to get to know each other as well.
The Kindy-Set-Go Program will run each week commencing on Friday 14 October (Week 1) and concluding on Friday 9 December (Week 9). The program will run from 9am to 3pm. Please note that parents who are happy to have their children play before school can drop off from 8.30am.
We hope that with enough notice, parents will be able to organise for their child to attend these sessions. These sessions are highly encouraged to assist in preparing students for 2023. Half days or fortnightly attendance can be negotiated by contacting the school office.
4. Celebration and Recognition of Student Achievement
As your child commences St Bede’s Primary School, they will quickly become accustomed to the high expectations of our great school. It is important for the school community to witness such great achievements of our students. St Bede’s does this in many different ways. We celebrate:
- positive behaviour
- individual and team achievements
- sporting achievements
- academic success and excellence
- effort and perseverance
We invite you to talk about awards and certificates with your child. This may include:
- What are your child's strengths?
- Discuss stickers, merit awards, tickets, etc
- Discuss positive behaviour
- What is your child's favourite sport or sports person?
- Discuss individuality and difference
- Reflect on receiving awards when you or family members were at school, etc.
3. Meet Our Kindergarten Teachers
St Bede’s Primary School has amazing teachers. All of our staff form connections quickly and get to know each child as an individual. They also connect with each family!
It is important that students transition smoothly to St Bede’s Primary School in 2023 and the On site component of the Kindy-Set-Go Program in Term 4. To create familiarity for children and families we are sharing profiles of our 2023 Kindergarten teachers, Mrs Katie Horsburgh and Mrs Veronica Trow.
You are invited to:
- Read the profile of our 2023 Kindergarten teachers and show your child the profiles/images.
- Share memories of your own special kindergarten teachers or other wonderful teachers
- Discuss the importance of getting to know other students and teachers
- Discuss how school is a fun happy place and that learning new things is exciting
- Invite your child’s grandparents, other family members or family friends to share memories of school with your children
The first day of school is something special for every child. It is possible that your child is starting to ask questions about ‘Big School’ and St Bede's Primary School.
You are invited to read and share this story of Daisy’s First Day. The first day of school is also important for parents, especially if it is your first or last child.
You may also like to:
- Talk about your first day of school
- Ask siblings to share their experience of their first day of school
- Discuss colours in the book and ask about your child’s favourite colour
- Discuss sharing and how Spike shared the dinosaur
- Identify any letters of your child’s name or sing the alphabet song
- Talk about morning tea and lunch breaks. Experience opening packets and unwrapping items of food.
- Play counting games and identify numbers
- Identify the Australian animals within the book.
Welcome to the Kindy-Set-Go Online Orientation Program. This program is specifically designed to engage all members of your family through regular Kindy-Set-Go updates and articles. Over the next 8 months, you and your child will be invited to participate in a variety of activities to prepare for life at St Bede's. You are encouraged to prioritise time to engage in conversation with your child. It would be terrific if you include other members of your family as well such as siblings, grandparents, or close family friends.
I welcome all families to St Bede's, including new families, current families and those yet to decide. This is the start of a very important partnership where your child remains at the centre of all we do. Please do not hesitate to reach out via email or phone to ask any questions.
I look forward to connecting with you throughout 2022.