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“So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith."
Galatians 6:10
During the course of the year I have had the opportunity to talk to many parents about a whole range of matters. As expected the majority of these conversations relate to their child’s or children’s learning journey at St Bede’s Primary School. I am pleased that parents are taking the time to engage with the school about matters of importance. One of the most common themes of these conversations is what St Bede’s offers students in terms of the complete learning package.
St Bede’s is very proud of the activities that are offered in each classroom and the extra-curricular activities that complement each student. This is an area that we look to expand in 2023.
During Terms 3 & 4 the following activities took place or will take place at St Bede’s:
Year 3 Excursion-Museum of Democracy | Year 2 Story Project |
Michael Mangan Performance K - 6 | Netball Finals |
Public Speaking Competition | Feast of the Assumption |
My Body, My Life Yrs 5 - 6 | Socktober |
Boorowa Touch/Netball Carnival | Touch Football |
Book Week K - 6 | Character Parade K - 6 |
Author Visit K - 6 | Staff Professional Learning |
Year 2 Nature Walk | Year 5/6 Camp - Berry |
Kindy-Set-Go | Dance K - 6 |
Infants and Primary Choir | Lunch Clubs |
As you can see these activities are varied and compliment the good learning that takes place at St Bede’s Primary School. I would like to thank all of the staff and parents who assist in any way to make all of these opportunities possible for our students.
With a range of activities, opportunities and experiences children become well rounded individuals and reap the benefits. Benefits include:
- better developed life attributes, such as: creativity, persistence, and the ability to communicate and collaborate.
- a more positive outlook on learning.
- develop more self-control and a better ability to cooperate with peers.
- have higher cognitive abilities.
In the scripture passage above, Paul is not talking specifically about additional opportunities in the same context that I have. Paul is urging the Galatians to not grow tired of doing good, especially for others. This is what we want for ourselves and our children at St Bede’s. Through God’s Spirit, this investment in oneself and others will “pay off”.
Enjoy your break and we look forward to seeing all students on Monday 10 October.
We wish all of the St Bede's Community a safe and restful break. We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 10 October 2022.
There will be further capital works projects at St Bede's during the holiday period. We thank Catholic Education for their support and commitment to the improvement of our school. The following works will be undertaken during the break:
- gutter along play area will be redone to ensure adequate drainage;
- new fence and gates at top of carpark;
- external facade on Year 2 room and Year 3 room;
- playground excavation/clearing near current yarning circle (prep for nature play/indigenous area);
- completion of bin/skip enclosure in front of hall.
- installation of new cabinetry in admin block (office, AP, P, copier room, meeting room, sick bay);
- refurbishment of art room into multiple rooms for Learning Support;
- removal of wall between Kinder/Learning support to create 2 classrooms;
- removal of storage room in Year 2 room -library (music and server) to make a larger classroom. Addition of new external windows and new lighting;
- internal access to storage area at the back of the library.
We will look to commence a final enrolment campaign for 2022 in Term 4. This will be to encourage families to commence at St Bede's in 2023. Each family is asked to reach out to potential families that might like to organise a visit to St Bede's.
As always, thank you to all who actively seek enrolments for St Bede's.
Thank you to our wonderful staff for their professionalism and commitment during Term 3. Our staff support our students in learning and all other areas during the school day. They always go above and beyond. For that we are all thankful and appreciative.
Monday |
Summer Uniform - All Students |
Tuesday |
Sports Uniform - K to 2 Summer Uniform - Yrs 3 to 6 |
Wednesday |
Sports Uniform - Yrs 3 & 4 Summer Uniform - K to 2 Year 5/6 Camp |
Thursday |
Summer Uniform - All Students Years 5/6 Camp |
Friday |
Sports Uniform - All Students Years 5/6 Camp Snack Shack open for lunch orders only which must be ordered by 5.00pm on Thursdays |