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When talking with the students this week on their return to school, I can’t help but feel privileged to have meaningful relationships with these young people who have such rich life experiences. The strength of relationships within any organisation, including school, is crucial. A network of strong relationships contributes to wellbeing and reduces mental wellbeing issues. My prayer is that the students not only continue to be grateful for their experiences and show kindness to each other but that they continue to have enquiring minds and to seek God’s wisdom in their lives.
NAIDOC Week celebrations take place across the month of July. This year’s theme is “Voice. Treaty. Truth. Let’s Work Together.” On Monday, we will receive a visit from Kristie Peters, a Wiradjuri woman and local artist together with her team from Yarrudhamarra Creations. Kristie and her team will be working together with us to understand aboriginal art symbols and culture and helping our students to paint our new yarning circle and story poles in our garden spaces.
I would like to share with you a prayer prepared by aboriginal people for Pope John Paul II’s visit to Alice Springs in 1986. Although it is over thirty years old, it is strong in its simplicity and clarity of message.
Father of all, You gave us the Dreaming,
You have spoken to us through our beliefs,
You then made Your love clear to us in the person of Jesus,
We thank You for Your care.
You own us, You are our hope.
Make us strong as we face the problems of change.
We ask You to help the people of Australia listen to us and respect our culture.
Make the knowledge of You grow strong in all people,
So that You can be at home in us and we can make a home for everyone in our land.
Class Masses
A couple of dates for the diary! It would be lovely to see as many families and friends there as possible to welcome Fr Trenton, the new administrator at the Cathedral.
Mary of the Cross Mass, 8 August - 2pm in the Hall (hosted by Year 4)
Assumption Mass, 15 August - 2pm in the Hall (hosted by Year 3)
South Weston Athletics –
South Weston 12 and Under Track and Field Carnival will be held on Wednesday, 21 August at Woden Athletics Track. A note with the events the children are participating in, a program plus a permission note to participate will be sent home next Monday, 12 August. Students will need to make their own way to the carnival as it begins too early in the day to organise buses. Breen Fox and I will be attending on the day.
Catholic Netball Carnival –
We have just been sent all the information for the Catholic Netball Carnival. This event is scheduled for Saturday, 19 October. Students who are interested in participating will be given an expression of interest form early next week. Please be mindful when returning the note that the carnival is now on a Saturday and, once a commitment is made, it is important to honour it so that teams are not let down. This event is open to both boys and girls from Years 2 - 6.
Girls Only Auskick -
Ages 5 - 12 starting Friday, 23 August from 4.30pm to 5.30pm at Kingston Oval. It is a 6 week program at a cost of $50 which includes a footy. For more information contact
Have a lovely weekend
Julie Douglas
Sports Co-ordinator
Kinder, Years 1 and 2 Monday and Wednesday
Years 3 and 4 Wednesday and Friday
Year 5/6 Monday and Wednesday
A Parent Information Night will be held next Tuesday evening at 7.00pm in the Library and all families are welcome to attend but it particularly pertains to Year 1 due to the noticable gender imbalance in that class. The meeting aims to openly discuss with families all that St Bede's has to offer in a co-educational space as children journey through to Year 6.
Can you spare an hour or two from 10.30am? Anyone who is available and has a spare shovel is welcome!
St Bede's P&F has been offered a chance to run a Sausage Sizzle fundraiser on Saturday, August 17 at Bunnings in Fyshwick from 8am - 4.30pm. This is a great opportunity to raise funds and also a fun way to connect with other families.
We are now looking for families to volunteer for one shift (2 hours) on the day. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
If you are able to help, would you please let Linda know and she will pass on to the P&F committee.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
The newsletter is one of the important forms of communication between the school and families.
Please subscribe to the newsletter and the Principal’s Message via the website
St Bede’s also utilises an alert app - SZapp. This app can be downloaded for iphone, iPad and Android mobile devices. It allows the school to push instant messages and reminders to families. Instructions to load the alert app may be found at
An on-line calendar listing school activities and special events is available on the school website. However, event dates are subject to change. Please check the online calendar regularly.
The school survey will be launched on Monday, 29 July and will close on Friday, 9 August. You will shortly receive an email regarding completion of the survey. We would appreciate if you would please take some time to complete. Students in Years 3 - 6 will complete a student survey in class.
The following students received an award in Week 3:
Kinder Gold | Eddie M, Archie, Chloe |
Kinder Blue | Eddie D, Fox, Adam |
Year 1 | Zoe K, Xavier |
Year 2 | Felicity, Chloe L, Anastasia, William |
Year 3 | Hunter, Sophie K, Charlie |
Year 3/4 | Patrick, Elsie, Hugo, Liam |
Year 5 | Edward, Tom, Zalia |
Year 6 | Ruby H, Mikail, Tamille |
Kinder Gold | Noah S |
Kinder Blue | George B |
Year 1 | Henry |
Year 2 | Mateo |
Year 3 | Mattes |
Year 3/4 | Sophie D |
Year 5 | Charlotte |
Year 6 | Abigail |
Principal's Award | Iggy |
One of our most special days is almost here - Friday, 13 September.
Assembly starts at 12.00pm in the hall followed by a BYO picnic lunch in the grounds.
We would love photos for inclusion in our Power Point presentation - please send to
Few right-minded people want children or young people to experience hardships or difficulty. However growing up generally means that kids will experience their fair share of hardships, frustrations and challenges which lead to uncomfortable feelings.
Exercising their discomfort muscles
Tolerating discomfort is an important resilience skill. It refers to an ability to sit with an uncomfortable or emotionally painful feeling such as disappointment, apprehension, nervousness or fear. These emotions can be brought about as a result of not being picked for a team; getting lower than expected marks for an assignment; or going into new, unfamiliar situation such as school camp. These are the sorts of every day situations that can make some kids feel uncomfortable. It’s helpful to think of discomfort as a ‘muscle’ that gets stronger with training. Each time a child or teen successfully tolerates discomfort they’re reinforcing their ability to do so and cementing the knowledge that they can overcome emotional challenges.
Opportunities to practise tolerating discomfort
Opportunities for practise are plentiful and are found in common situations such as when a child or teen is: feeling hungry; wanting something they can’t have; having to end screen time; contributing to household chores when they don’t feel like it; missing out on a job interview; asking someone on a date or not receiving a party invitation.
It’s not toughing it out
Tolerating discomfort doesn’t mean toughing out an unbearable situation. It’s teaching your anxious child to notice how they’re feeling, naming their emotions, and practising acceptance of difficult feelings as they occur. This is done in the knowledge that what they’re experiencing is temporary and that they’re lovingly supported by a warm and comforting adult. Couple tolerating discomfort with social rewards (such as words of praise or shared fun activity) for coping behaviours and you’re helping to build their personal resilience.