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“Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children
Deuteronomy 4:9
This time last year I had the pleasure of attending my eldest daughter’s Year 12 Graduation. Although I enjoyed the ceremony and appreciated the fabulous effort by all who were involved in organising, I found myself remembering various moments of her school journey from previous years. Both positive and not so positive. I am happy to have the memories and value them. I am sure that our Year 6 parents will certainly be able to relate to this over coming weeks.
It is important to remember and to not forget. What exactly are we supposed to remember? And why is it important for us to remember? What is the danger of forgetting?
In an educational sense it may well be about memorising facts and information, or a method or concept in mathematics or even a strategy. These are all worthwhile things to remember and we will be better for it. Reviewing and converting information from short term memory to long term memory is important and takes approximately 24 exposures. Automaticity and retrieving information assist our students with their learning.
In another sense it may be remembering moments. Moments that are important or have proven to be significant in some way. The first day of school, the fight with my friend, the day I broke my leg. This remembering is also important...this is what has contributed to making us who we are or created an awareness of who we do not want to be.
In 2023, we will celebrate 60 years at St Bede’s Primary School. This will be a wonderful opportunity to remember the past and forge new memories. I look forward to our community creating these memories together.
This week, every student took part in a Faith Formation Day. This was a very successful day prepared by class teachers under the leadership of Mrs Dwyer. I extend a thank you to our amazing teachers. I hope that memories were created and that our students remember this special moment.
In Deuteronomy Moses implores the people to remember and obey the statues of the Lord, and remember that they are a great nation set apart by God, that they are to be a witness to other nations around them, just as we as believers today are set apart and are to be ambassadors for Christ to those we come into contact with. Moses is not giving them any new truths or new revelations here. He’s encouraging them to remember the old truths – “remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you.”
As we move toward the end of 2022 let us remember all that has made 2022 a successful year, a momentous year, and the opportunities for learning.
Please be advised that there are more capital works scheduled for St Bede's throughout Term 4 and the Christmas holidays. These include:
1) Replacement of asphalt of the assembly area and courts (12-13 November);
2) Resurfacing of courts-line marking and suface (Late December/January);
3) Extension of the bottom carpark (approx 16 parking spaces);
4) Extension of new classroom (Current Year 2 Room adjoining the library);
5) Refurbishment of the demountable;
6) Refurbishment of the staffroom.
Congratulations to Mrs Fox on the successful completion of the contract renewal process. Breen contributes enormously to all areas of the school and has a strong connection with everyone. She ensures the smooth running of our great school and is valued. Breen's contract has been extended for another 4 years.
Our Kindergarten students of 2023 have attended 4 days of a 9 day Kindy-Set-Go Program. The Kindy-Set-Go Program is a new initiative whereby students attend St Bede's each Friday from 9am-3pm in Term 4. They connect with their 2023 teachers and peers and are orientated to St Bede's routines.
The goal of the program is to build connections and confidence in the hope that students will be comfortable and ready for learning at the start of Term 1. During the course of the program, students experience all elements of a St Bede's education including library, music, sport, lunch orders, the playground and more.
We extend a special welcome to our newest students and their families. This program has created additional traffic upon school drop off and collection, we thank all families for their patience.
We are pleased to confirm that St Bede's will start 2023 with approximately 210 students. This is a wonderful outcome for our school. As previously advised, we are moving forward with a focus on strategic growth that allows us to ensure small classe sizes are maintained. This means that we have limited places for 2023 remaining.
In coming weeks, more information will be distributed to provide parents with an understanding of mixed age classes. Please do not be alarmed about your child's placement in 2023. Our teachers are preparing classes based on a whole range of factors to ensure that we have the best balance and arrangement for all students.
Monday |
Summer Uniform - All Students |
Tuesday |
Sports Uniform - K to 2 Summer Uniform - Yrs 3 to 6 P&F Meeting @ 7.00pm |
Wednesday |
Sports Uniform - Yrs 3 to 6 Summer Uniform - K to 2 |
Thursday |
Sports Uniform - K & 1 Summer Uniform - Yrs 2 to 6 |
Friday |
Sports Uniform - Yrs 2 to 6 Summer Uniform - K & 1 Year 4 Eucharist Retreat Day Snack Shack open for lunch orders only which must be ordered by 5.00pm on Thursdays |
Sunday |
St Bede's Community Mass and First Eucharist @ 9.30am at St Christopher's Cathedral, Manuka |