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All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).
Matthew 1: 22-23
As we approach the conclusion of Term 4, we also enter the season of Advent. As Catholics, this means that we can enjoy the richness of our faith which helps us to prepare our hearts and minds for celebrating the coming of the Christ child on Christmas. It also means that we are preparing for holidays, Christmas and 2023. Preparing for something is not new to us.
As St Bede’s, we are completing preparations for 2023. This includes the development of our Annual Improvement Plan. 2023 will see a renewed focus on learning at St Bede’s. From structures, bell times, learning blocks, teaching teams, new staff induction, new students, and a new Australian Curriculum.
The scripture reference above is from Matthew. It was a focus for the Year 4-6 Faith formation day in November. The apostle Levi, you may know him better as Matthew since that is the name of the first gospel in the New Testament. Levi was a tax collector and was not well liked by anyone as people assumed that tax collectors were unclean, sharing in an anti-pious lifestyle. Most Jewish tax collectors in Matthew's time had sold out to the Romans and financially preyed upon their fellow Jews. They also ran around with people generally considered to be sinners.
There were 2 things about Matthew/Levi. Matthew cared about those who were left out. If you read the story from the Gospel of Matthew, you will notice that Matthew wants to show that all kinds of people came to know Jesus. At St Bede’s we are inclusive and do no leave people out. We care and nurture each student as an individual. Put simply, we walk in love and peace, no matter who you are.
Second, Matthew may have been considered an outsider, but he connected the story of Jesus. Matthew wants you to know that God — Father, Son, and Spirit — who has always had the plan to bring everyone, including outsiders, true hope.
It is my hope this Advent season that no one in our school community feels alone. Please take the opportunity to reach out and connect with people prior to the end of the term, prior to Christmas.
Student reports for Semester 2 will be available via Compass from approximately 4.30pm next Friday. Please contact the school if you have any difficulties accessing your children's reports.
Students who commenced at St Bede's in Term 4 will receive a written letter from their child's classroom teacher outlining a short summary of Term 4. Please check school bags.
Parent Teacher Meetings will be on Monday 5 December and Tuesday 6 December. These meetings are optional in Term 4 and can be made via the Compass Parent Portal. The sessions are now open. To book a session, please click on more and navigate to Conferences by Sunday evening. If you are unable to schedule a time, please contact your classroom teacher via email.
If you met in Week 5 or Week 6 with the class teacher and Mrs Elliott, there is no need to book another meeting session.
Please reach out for support if you need assistance.
Congratulations to our Year 5 students who presented leadership speeches during Week 8. After nominating and presenting their ideas and leadership aspirations to students in Years 2-6, the votes are in. Our 2023 school leaders will be:
School Captains: Stefan & Charlotte M
School Council Representatives (SRC): Yara & Georgia
Benedict House Captains: Sophia & Grace
Polding House Captains: Zalia & Tom
Scholastica House Captains: Matteo & Mila T
Community Leaders: Mila P & Audrey
Environment Leaders: Charlotte O-R, Felicity, Cyrus & Marcus
Wellbeing Leaders: Hailey, Sophie, Ella, Dan & Agnes
We also have five new students who will join us in Year 6 who will nominate their leadership positions when they arrive. We will welcome Abigail, Oscar, Emily, Sonny, Oceane to the leadership team in 2023. All leaders will be commissioned at the Opening School Mass on Friday 10 February, 2023.
Pupil Free Day (Friday 16 December)
Please be advised, our Director, Mr Ross Fox has approved a pupil free day for ACT catholic schools. This day will be Friday 16 December 2022. The last student day will be Thursday 15 December.
Year 3 and 3/4 Excursion Report
On Friday, Year 3 and 3/4 went on an excursion to the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House. When we got on the bus I sat with my friend. Once we arrived, we had recess in the rose garden, got look at the tennis courts and play. I ate with my friend, but we had to sit somewhere not so flowery, so he didn’t get hay fever. For our first activity, we all went inside the building. Two people lead the activity, which was to examine objects from the UNICEF school-in-a-box which is “a portable way to ensure children continue to learn during times of crisis and conflict, or in the hardest to reach areas. The box contains books, pencils, erasers and scissors and even a wind-up solar radio, while the aluminium lid of the box doubles as a blackboard.”
My favourite part was when we could design an inclusive play space in groups of three and share our plans in the House of Representatives where we had to wear special white gloves! Our second activity was kind of like a treasure hunt but for the landscape. The two people gave us instructions and then we split into three groups. We had to find different places, including the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Mount Ainslie and the view of the new Parliament House. We also put our hands in the fountain which was a cheeky bit of fun. After that we had lunch in a different rose garden (I sat with my friend again). Finally, we went back to school.
It was an interesting and informative excursion, but the day was so hot!
By Lorenzo Savignano, edited by Mrs Burt and year 3.
A huge thank you to the Clode Family, Bec, Lauren and Aiden for coming into school and dressing up our flowerpots. They certainly make the front entrance welcoming and bright!
Monday |
Summer Uniform - All Students Parent/Teacher Interviews |
Tuesday |
Sports Uniform - K to 2 Summer Uniform - Yrs 3 to 6 Parent/Teacher Interviews |
Wednesday |
Sports Uniform - Yrs 3 to 6 Summer Uniform - K to 2 Christmas Carols @ 5.30pm at school |
Thursday |
Sports Uniform - K & 1 Summer Uniform - Yrs 2 to 6 Year 6 Graduation Mass @ 5.00pm at St Peter Chanel's, Yarralumla Year 6 Graduation Dinner @ 7.00pm at the Mawson Club |
Friday |
Sports Uniform - Yrs 2 to 6 Summer Uniform - K & 1 Year 6 Fun Day Snack Shack open for lunch orders only which must be ordered by 5.00pm on Thursdays |