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True Colours
Let your true colours shine!
Welcome back to 2023! Our school theme for 2023 is called True Colours. We will use coloured lenses to view the world and remind students of the qualities and values that are important to all people. In addition to our coloured lens, we need to put on the ‘lens of Jesus’ to bring our Catholic values to life and be our bests selves. We recognise that how we treat others is a choice and that through our actions and words, we show the colours of our hearts.
Below are the qualities and values we will be focused on throughout the school year. Each week our Social Justice Action Group will share a quote for the week – based on these qualities and give tips to the younger students as to how they can show positive actions in their daily life.
Orange – PEACE and UNITY
Blue - HOPE and FAITH
Sacrament Update – 2023 Attention parents of students in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, and Year 6!
This year, we will be celebrating First Reconciliation in Year 3 and Year 4. This change will allow the students in their stage groups to celebrate this special event together. Date to be advised shortly once they have been confirmed.
Moving our celebration of Reconciliation and Eucharist means that we will be celebrating this event every second year. This will also align with our celebrations of Confirmation for our Year 5 and 6 students.
Enrolment forms will be sent out in Week 3, and preparations will begin soon for all Sacraments. Please note that Baptism certificates will need to be photocopied and attached to the enrolment form, so you may like to start chasing this up if you have not got it handy.
Nikki Dwyer
Religious Education Coordinator
Parent Information Night - Tuesday 7 February
All families are invited to our annual Parent Information Night on Tuesday 7 February commencing at 6.00pm for valuable information regarding whole-school and classroom information. The event will begin with a small address from Andrew, introducing new staff and providing an overview of our whole-school foci for 2023. Parents are then invited to meet and greet casually with staff in the main courtyard, where class overviews will be available.
The school will provide a free sausage sizzle to cover dinner for children as we appreciate the challenge of attending school events on weeknights. Beverages and nibbles will also be available for parents. Please note, we have moved all events to the courtyard to avoid imposing on our new YWCA space in the hall.
We look forward to catching up with you next week.
Welcome to the 2023 school year, our 60th year of St Bede's Primary School. We have had a strong start to the year with 40 new kindergarten students commencing. They have come to St Bede's full of energy and confidence. They are now our largest cohort of the school.
A little over 2 weeks ago, Mr Ross Fox approved an additional class for St Bede's for 2023. We have grown from 7 classes in 2021 to 11 classes in 2023. This is an amazing achievement in a short amount of time.
We are very thankful for the ongoing support of Catholic Education. Our class structure is now:
Kindergarten (2 classes)
Year 1 (2 classes)
Year 2 (2 classes)
Year 3
Year 3/4
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
School fees will be issued towards the end of Week 2. The fee/levy names have changed slightly from 2022. This is due to the implementation of a new finance package within our system.
We will inform the school community of the implementation process in due course, outlining any further changes and implications.
2023 Fees
Type |
One child |
Two children |
Three children |
Four children |
2023 |
School Resource Levy (per family) |
230 |
230 |
230 |
230 |
2023 |
Student Resource Levy (per student) |
250 |
500 |
750 |
1,000 |
2023 |
Technology Levy (per student) |
5 |
10 |
15 |
20 |
Total School based levy per term |
485.00 |
740.00 |
995.00 |
1,250.00 |
Total school based levy P.A |
1,940.00 |
2,960.00 |
3,980.00 |
5,000.00 |
CEO Tuition fee per term |
489.00 |
734.00 |
881.00 |
881.00 |
Building fund |
200.00 |
200.00 |
200.00 |
200.00 |
Total fees including building fund P.A |
4,696.00 |
6,696.00 |
8,304.00 |
9,124.00 |
Total excl building fund P.A |
3,896.00 |
5,896.00 |
7,504.00 |
8,524.00 |
Our kindergarten students were sent home with a special gift today. The children were very excited to take home a special photograph from the first day of school.
I would like to extend a massive thank you to Mrs Naomi Colley from Lightbulb Studio for giving of her time to take each photo and print this surprise. Naomi is a newer parent who joined the St Bede's community in Term 4 last year.
Swimming Carnival - 17 February 2023
St Bede's swimming carnival will be held on Friday 17 February at Stromlo Leisure Centre.
This year the permission note and nomination form will be sent via Google forms. Further information will be sent out via Compass early in Week 2.
Monday |
Summer Uniform - Yrs 3 to 6 Sports Uniform - K to 2 |
Tuesday |
Summer Uniform - All Students Parent Information Night @ 6.00pm |
Wednesday |
Summer Uniform - K to 2 Sports Uniform - Yrs 3 to 6 Kinder Rest Day |
Thursday |
Summer Uniform - Yrs 2 to 6 Sports Uniform - K & 1 |
Friday |
Summer Uniform - K & 1 Sports Uniform - Yrs 2 to 6 Opening School Mass @ 12 noon in the hall - parents welcome |