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Dear Parents
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a safe and restful holiday ready for another busy term. We especially welcome Cidney (Kindergarten) and Jared (Year 4) from Townsville, Audrey (Year 2) from Narrabundah Early Education School and Finn (Year 1) from Red Hill Primary School. We hope your association with St Bede’s is happy and you enjoy the many special things about our wonderful community.
It was wonderful to see so many families at the working bee on Sunday. Thank you to Patrick Morales, James and Elsie Borrett, Ben, Charlie and Eddie Davies, the whole Jerga family plus cousins, the McCracken family, Alexiou and Gina Vlachouli, Adam Hobill, the Cusack family and Nikki Dwyer whose contribution has made our new areas look stunning. I would also like to especially mention Breen Fox whose organisation throughout this process has been seamless and our gardens are now almost at completion. Next week the finishing touches will be some more tyre planters. We now just need rain to make the place come alive!
During the holiday break, there were quite a few contractors at St Bede’s addressing some of our building needs. There are new eaves and gutters on the outside of the senior wing as well as new poles ready for the sails to be installed shortly to protect the primary classrooms. During the next break we will hopefully have some further work done in this area.
Dance began for 2019 last Wednesday. We have changed the dance program completely this year so that this section of the Arts is closely connected to the curriculum as well as being enjoyable. Mrs Janet Simpson is the new teacher and from all accounts the students are having a wonderful time. We look forward to everyone showing off their dances at the end of the term.
On Monday, the whole school participated in an Indigenous Workshop. Kristie Peters and her team from Yarrudhamarra Creations provided opportunities for students to learn and experience the rich beauty of Australian Indigenous Art and Culture and gain a deeper appreciation for Indigenous Australians. During a very productive day, our totem poles and yarning circle logs were designed and painted. Kristie will be back to continue these spaces as well as paint an indigenous mural on the junior wing brick wall in the next few weeks.
On Tuesday evening we held a meeting in the library for Year 1 families. This class is predominantly boys and so the meeting was to highlight St Bede’s as a community school and what we can offer all children if they stay until Year 6. Whilst I believe it is parent choice to move boys to a single sex context at the end of Year 3, many families are now considering co-education for high school. With this in mind, St Bede’s is an ideal place to nurture your child both academically, socially and spiritually before they make that leap to Year 7.
At the beginning of this week, families would have received by email an invitation to complete a school improvement survey. I encourage as many families as possible to complete this appraisal as the results are very useful in identifying needs and for future planning. This opportunity closes on Friday, 9 August. Thank you to the parents who have already taken the time to complete the survey. If you didn't receive an email but would like to participate, the link is
Just a couple of other reminders to begin the term –
- School supervision begins at 8.40am and concludes at 3.40pm. Outside of these hours it is important to realise that no formal supervision occurs and that parents need to be in attendance and vigilant during sports trainings and if children are on the playground equipment.
- If your child was absent from school during last term, would you please ensure that a signed explanation note has been sent to the class teacher. Absentee and extended period of absence notes are available on the website or from the front office.
- If your child needs medication dispensed during school hours, please ensure the correct form is completed when leaving the medicine.
- Please ensure all clothing is named as it makes it much easier to return items.
- Toys are not to be brought to school unless they are part of a class presentation, including Ooshies.
- It has come to our attention that some students are wearing the incorrect uniform on a regular basis. With this in mind, students will be reminded about inappropriate clothing or accessories but if non-uniform items persist, a letter will go home to parents.
It is hats on again from today. Therefore, we are using this week for the children to find their hat or purchase a new one. All children need to have a school hat to wear by next Monday, 5 August please.
Have a lovely weekend