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Principal's Message- Does Size Matter?
“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” Matthew 13:31-32
At a recent ACT Principals Meeting, I was responsible for providing an opportunity for prayer. At the suggestion of a very wise and reliable colleague, I based the prayer service on the Parable of the Mustard Seed. This parable always offers a unique perspective every time reflection takes place. This simple yet powerful story teaches us about the potential for greatness within even the smallest of beginnings.
Just as a mustard seed, though tiny, grows into a mighty tree, so too do our students here at St. Bede's possess incredible potential for growth and achievement. It's in the small acts of kindness, the moments of perseverance, and the seeds of curiosity that we witness this potential unfolding each day within our school community.
In our classrooms, we see the mustard seeds of knowledge being sown by our dedicated teachers. Through their guidance and support, our students are nurtured and encouraged to explore new ideas, challenge themselves, and develop their talents. This week, I received outstanding results from one of our intervention groups. I continue to be amazed and inspired by the commitment of this group of students (and their teacher) as they are continually challenged with something that they find difficult. How many of us persevere with the things that we find difficult?
But it's not just within the classroom where the parable of the mustard seed comes to life at St. Bede's. It's also evident in the everyday actions of our students. From the youngest to the oldest, they demonstrate the power of faith, compassion, and resilience.
Last week I received an email from a parent of a student from a local public school who competed at the South West Cross Country Carnival. She shared of her daughter being shown kindness and encouragement to persevere by a group of St Bede’s students. Or think of the quiet determination of a student who, like the mustard seed, starts small but grows into a leader within our community through acts of service and generosity. Earlier this week, a teacher observed the generosity of a Year 6 student who gave her whole recess time to spend with a younger student that was seeking a connection.
As we reflect on the parable of the mustard seed, let us be reminded of the immense potential within each and every one of us. May we continue to nurture and support one another as we strive to grow into the best versions of ourselves, rooted in faith and love.
St Bede's takes a proactive approach to managing illness and we appreciate the support of our families in keeping our community as healthy as possible. St Bede's will continue to follow health advice in notifying parents of health matters. Parents are asked to keep unwell children at home in an attempt to recuperate and overcome illness as quickly as possible.
Compass is the easiest and most efficient way to advise the school of student absences as it notifies the classroom teacher and provides visibility for staff. If there is a more serious illness, please reach out to notify the office. Thank you to parents who log absences in a timely manner.
Athough there is widespread illness across Canberra and St Bede's, our school has one of the best attendance rates in Canberra. I thank Mrs Jodie Luhrs for her prompt follow up of absences.
Congratulations to all the students who competed Tuesday last week at the South Weston Regional Cross Country. All students did an amazing job and behaved impeccably. We have three runners who have qualified for the ACT Schools Sports Cross Country Championships. Congratulations to our qualifiers, Nora H (Year 3), Georgia G (Year 4) and Kathryn T (Year 5).
School Sport ACT Trials:
Football (Soccer) (12&U Boys Team)
School Sport Australia Championship: 13 August to 18 August, Port Kennedy, Perth
Trial information: In addition to attending trials, interested students must register for selection via the SSACT website here: https://
Trial 1: Sunday 2 June, 3:00-5:00pm
Trial 2: Sunday 9 June, 3:00-5:00pm
Trial 3: Sunday 16 June, 3:00-5:00pm
Invitational Trial 1: Sunday 23 June 3:00-5:00pm
Invitational Trial 2: Sunday 30 June, 3:00-5:00pm
Invitational Trial 3: Sunday 7 July, 3:00-5:00pm
All trials will be held at Wanniassa Ovals.
Just a reminder that school fees (except for those families on an arrangement with the school) are now well overdue. We would appreciate families settling their account by the end of term. As always, if meeting your school fee commitment is an issue, please do not hesitate to contact the front office.
Parents are reminded that we have 2 pupil free days remaining for 2024.
Monday 22 July
Tuesday 17 December

Netball continues to grow at St Bede's. Each year there are more and more netball teams that represent our school each weekend. St Bede's appreciates the ongoing commitment of all coaches and managers that give of their time so generously.
Congratulations and thank you to Jenny Tiffen who continues to lead and coordinate the St Bede's teams. We appreciate all that you have done to make St Bede's netball so successful.
The following students received an award in Week 7:
Kindergarten | Lucy H |
Year 1 Blue | Sophie T |
Year 1 Gold | Robbie V |
Year 2 Blue | James B |
Year 2 Gold | Isla G |
Year 3 Blue | Emily O |
Year 3 Gold | Lucas H |
Year 4 | Elle S |
Year 5 | Xavier C |
Year 6 | Matilda TC |
Monday |
Winter Uniform - All Students |
Tuesday |
Winter Uniform - Kgn, Yrs 1, 5 & 6 Sports Uniform - Yrs 2, 3, 4 Gym - Yrs 2, 3 & 4 |
Wednesday |
Winter Uniform - Yrs 2, 3 & 4 Sports Uniform - Kgn, Yrs 1, 5 & 6 Gym - Kgn, Yrs 1, 5 & 6 Kenny Koala Visit - K to 2 |
Thursday |
Winter Uniform - Kgn, Yrs 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6 Sports Uniform - Yr 4 |
Friday |
Winter Uniform - Yr 4 Sports Uniform - Kgn, Yrs 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6 Lunch orders - please order through Qkr! by 5.00pm on Thursday |