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Dear Parents
I can’t believe that we are at the end of Term 3. It has been another busy but productive time with so many marvellous activities happening across the school. The end of the term has been particularly busy with our wonderful ‘Sally Sells Seashells’ musical, P&F Community Gala, Grandparents’ Day Assembly, Dance Performance and Water Safety sessions but, in normal St Bede’s style, the students have stepped up to the mark and have engaged energetically in all activities.
Speaking of our musical, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to both the students and teachers who were involved in producing such a spectacular spectacle. The success of such a performance in a small school is due to an enthusiastic band of teachers, Nikki Dwyer, Katie Horsburgh and Breen Fox overseeing singing, choreography and prop making as well as students prepared to give up time for rehearsals. I would also like to thank the school community for their monetary and personal support for this event.
As mentioned in my previous Principal’s message, there will be a Year 5/6 multi-age forum early next term to discuss the extra class that Catholic Education has approved for next year. This forum will be held Monday, 4 November, at 6.30pm in the school library. This is an open invitation to all parents who may be interested in understanding multi-age education for their children in the future. This forum is an opportunity to provide information, answer questions and address any concerns that you may have. If your concerns cannot wait until Week 4, please ask a member of the leadership team to clarify. As we begin to organise classes for 2020, would any families who are leaving St Bede’s at the end of the year, whether for pastures new or to other schools in Canberra, please let Linda know in the front office as soon as possible.
You will also receive via email today a copy of the homework survey. It has come to our attention that families that do not have Google accounts are having difficulty accessing the survey. As we are very interested in getting the viewpoints of as many people as possible, please take time to complete the survey and return it to school at the beginning of next term. Please note the extended time frame for this survey.
We are looking for a new St Bede’s Boutique Co-ordinator for 2020. Kirrily Stevenson has been in this role for many years and now feels it is time for a new person to be involved as her youngest child will be in Year 6 next year. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Kirrily for her volunteer work in this space especially during the sports uniform transition when Friday mornings and online ordering were very busy.
The children are expected to wear summer uniform from the beginning of next term. This includes a dress or shorts and a polo for girls and shorts and polo for boys. Of course, judgements can be made as to whether extra clothing needs to be worn if the weather becomes inclement but hats are compulsory. We have also been accumulating quite a bit of lost property in the last few weeks. Many of the articles are polar fleeces and sports jackets with no names marked in them. We endeavour to return all items of clothing that have names but it is difficult when they have names of past students or no names at all.
If you are available tomorrow for a short time, don’t forget to come and see your children perform at the Dance Assembly in the hall. It begins at 2.30pm.
Again, I would like to encourage families to visit the school and use the play equipment during the school holidays.
I will be away from school for the first two weeks of next term awaiting the arrival of another grandchild. The school will be in wonderful hands with Breen at the helm in my absence. I hope everyone has a safe and restful holiday break. If you are travelling anywhere, take care.