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Welcome to Term 4! Can you believe that our Kindergarten students have nearly completed their first year of schooling, we are now counting down with just eight weeks to go and the Christmas decorations are out in shopping centres? We have hit the ground running with the Year 5/6 excursion to the QL2 Dance Ensemble at the ANU; the Catholic Schools Netball Carnival on Saturday; the launch of Mission Week; and a number of activities to celebrate Universal Children’s Week.
We welcomed Sophie to Kinder and Harry to Year 2 during Week 1. This term will provide a wonderful opportunity for our newcomers to settle in ready for a fresh start in 2020. We will also have two new staff joining our community next year. After a successful application and interview process, I am very pleased to congratulate Veronica Trow and Jessica Mead to the team. I am also very pleased to announce that Liz Mihalopoulos will become a permanent member of staff in the Library again next year. Staffing is almost complete with some temporary contracts to be confirmed before we can begin allocating teachers to year levels. I will attend the Catholic Education Principal’s Meeting and System Day next Thursday and Friday where we will be provided with additional information for planning. We will endeavour to provide information to the school community as soon as it is confirmed.
Julie is currently on leave enjoying the arrival of her fifth grandchild, Sloane Ivy, in Melbourne. We welcome Donna Gordon to Year 3 on Fridays this term as Levi Heffernan utilises his long service leave to spend time with his family. Helen Garrity will be travelling in Weeks 4 and 5 and Raelene Pryor will take her place in Kinder. Later in the term, Cathy Ryan will also be travelling to Canada for the arrival of grandchild number three. It has been an exciting year for grandparents at St Bede’s this year.
The month of October raises awareness for Catholic Missions, with this year’s theme inspired by Pope Francis' call for an Extraordinary Missionary Month which will be a worldwide occasion of prayer, sharing stories of mission, formation and charity. This coincides with Children’s Week where the SRC have collaborated with the Social Justice Committee to plan activities which celebrate participation, fundraising and awareness of others:
Monday 21 October – ‘Olympics Unleashed’ Louise Dobson visit
Tuesday 22 October – Guessing competition at recess and lunch and launch of the Mission awareness campaign
Wednesday 23 October – Mission Mass at St Christopher’s
Thursday 24 October – Zooper Bake Sale hosted by the Social Justice Committee
Friday 25 October – ‘Day of Colours’ uniform free day and Raiders inflatable pass the ball and obstacle course!
Years 3 - 6 were fortunate to meet former Olympian and Hockeyroo player, Louise Dobson, on Monday. Louise spoke to the children about the importance of setting personal goals, prioritising values, surrounding ourselves with positive relationships and most importantly, gratitude. She emphasised that without the support, effort and encouragement of our parents we might not be able to achieve our goals. On this note, thank you to all of the parents who volunteered to coach, manage, umpire and cheer their children at the Catholic Primary Schools' Netball Carnival. Although windy, it was a highly successful day. The St Bede’s blue and gold uniforms were visible across the courts with over five teams represented in multiple divisions. Well done to the players who participated with enthusiasm, passion and big smiles on their faces.
All parents are invited to attend the Multi-age Forum on Monday, 4 November at 6.30pm in the Library. This is an opportunity to discuss the new class arrangements and structure for our two multi-age Year 5/6 classes in 2020. We will also provide the research and decisions behind multi-age classes and coeducation. Whilst you may not have a child in these year levels next year, you may require information for the future in order to make informed decisions about the education of your child.
A separate email was sent out to families earlier this week regarding the safety in the carpark yet we continue to have parents disregarding our requests. We are asking all parents and carers to take notice of the NO PARKING zones in order to keep our students safe. It is not safe to drop your child/ren at the top of the driveway in front of the blue gate or along the red kerb. We had two very near misses in Week 1 due to children running or accessing their cars across the driveway with reversing cars who could not see the children. I appreciate that there is limited parking available at peak times. Please remember that you do have access to the top gravel carpark and the lower grass carpark in front of the hall.
Remember to save the date for the annual School Disco on Friday, 8 November. The students have brainstormed ideas and voted on a theme for the night. Hip Hop is the winner! Students are encouraged to come along dressed up for dancing, treats and a sausage sizzle. Tickets will be available on Flexischools and at the door. Thank you to Fiona Torline and the P&F Committee for organising this greatly anticipated community event.
I look forward to catching up with many of you at the many upcoming events during the term.
Breen Fox
Acting Principal