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‘Be the Light’
Welcome back! It has been a fabulous start to 2020 and we are just getting started. It is so wonderful to see familiar faces returning to school and some new faces too. We are all very excited about the year ahead and cannot wait to get back into things. Don’t forget next Tuesday’s Parent Information Night is a great opportunity to meet and greet teachers, gather information about the school year ahead and to get to know others in our school community.
Inspired by scripture, staff and students at St Bede’s will be exploring the theme of light. Light is beautiful and mysterious – like God. It is one but can be separated into many. It helps us to see things just as Jesus helps us to see things and we all hold the light of Christ within us.
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16
Year 2 will lead us in a Focus Assembly on Monday, 17 February, to break open our whole theme ‘Be the Light’. All are most welcome to attend. It will be held in the hall at 2.45pm.
Our Opening School Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, 13 February, at noon. Please note a change to our Mass times - this will be the new time for most school Masses.
Sacrament - Eucharist
First Eucharist will be celebrated by the children in our Year 4 group. The date for this Sacrament is 20 September. A parent information session will be held on 16 June and you will receive more information as we progress through the year as we work together to prepare the children. Enrolment forms will be sent out next week to children in Year 4.
In 2021, the current Year 3 students will receive both First Reconciliation and Eucharist in the one year and Years 5/6 students will have the opportunity to participate in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
God of love, We thank you for our St Bede’s community, help us to listen with open and trusting hearts to your word, guide us to build deep and loving relationships with you and each other. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Prayers Please
Please keep Amelie (Year 5/6B) and Harry (Year 3) and their family in your prayers as their grandfather passed away during the holidays.
Have a peaceful weekend, hopefully we get a little bit of rain.
Nikki Dwyer
Religious Education Coordinator
Welcome back everyone!
Swimming Carnival
St Bede’s is holding its annual swimming carnival at CISAC Pool in Belconnen on Tuesday, 18 February. Years 2 to 6 will attend this event. Permission notes and swimming entry forms were sent home this week and need to be returned by tomorrow, Friday, 7 February. Please make sure you discuss carefully with your child the events they wish to participate in on the day so that we don’t have children swimming in races they may find difficult. St Bede’s is renowned for its parent help at all events and I am sure this year will be no different. If you are available on the day and can help in any way, please complete the slip at the end of the entry note. Please note that, due to new regulations, there will be no free time in the pool after the carnival has finished and the students won’t have access to the pool canteen.
Hockey and Soccer clinics
There will be a one off hockey clinic on Wednesday, 19 February (Week 3) for Years 1 - 6. Soccer clinics will be happening across the school later this term. Capital Soccer will provide some skill based sessions from Weeks 6 - 10 on Tuesdays.
Eastlake Demons Football club Little Dees
An eight week program for boys and girls aged 4 - 6 years at Kingston Oval from 4.30 - 5.30pm commencing Friday, 14 February at a cost of $100.00. Register via email
Have a lovely weekend
Julie Douglas
St Bede’s is a nut aware school and we request your understanding and support in protecting children with nut allergies which, in some cases, are life threatening.
We ask that you:
- do not use peanut butter, Nutella and other nut spreads on lunches; and
- discuss with your child/ren the importance of not sharing food at school. The transfer of trace elements of nuts in food will be avoided when children refrain from sharing food.
The elimination of peanut butter and nut spreads from the school environment is essential to avoid contaminating pencils, scissors, play equipment, etc.
Do we have your most recent contact details?
Have any of these particulars changed?
- address,
- home phone numbers,
- work phone numbers,
- mobile phone numbers,
- email address or
- emergency contacts.
It is extremely important we have the correct information on file especially in the case of an emergency as well as effective school communication.
- SZapp
- Fortnightly newsletter
- Weekly Family Memo (reminder of the week ahead) forwarded each Friday
- Principal’s Message (separate to the newsletter)
- School webpage
- School Calendar is included on the webpage
- Facebook (limited)
Please subscribe to the newsletter and the Principal’s Message via the website
SZapp is an alert app and may be downloaded for iphone, iPad and Android mobile devices. It allows the school to push instant messages and reminders to families. Instructions to load the alert app may be found at
Whilst email and SZapp allow for efficient and rapid communication, these channels are not meant to, by any means, replace vital face to face contact.
Please note signed consent forms granting permission for students to participate in excursions, sporting activities, etc still need to be obtained in hard copy for legal reasons. In some cases, additional medical forms will also be required even though we may already be aware of your child’s medical condition(s).
All occasions of absence of a child from class require an explanation from parent/guardian. A written note is requested as all days of absence need be accounted for - the school roll being a legal document. Email notification is acceptable. However, it is especially important if the absence is going to be of an extended nature (e.g. overseas trip) that you ensure written notification to the Principal is made prior to any absence. Appropriate forms are available from the front office and also on the school website.
To volunteer at school in any capacity, you must be able to produce a current WWVP card.
If you have a new card, please let Linda have a copy to keep our records up to date.
Please don't forget to sign in at the office and wear a visitors sticker if you are helping in the school. If you are just dropping something for your child, please go to the office and we will assist with this. Please do not go to the classrooms during learning time unless you are scheduled as a helper.
Please ensure the school is aware of any medical conditions that your child may have, even if considered relatively minor and regardless of whether it is ongoing or in isolation. Any medical information about your child is, of course, confidential.
Due to Canberra's current air quality, some children may now experience niggling asthma symptoms. Would you please ensure that we are aware if your child suffers from asthma, however mild, and this also includes exercise induced asthma. Every student with significant asthma should have an Asthma Management and Emergency Treatment Plan in place at school.
It is important that reliever medication be available in student’s bags/classroom/lunch box.
Redgum Book Club brochures will be sent home shortly. Redgum Book Club is Australian owned and proudly supports Australian children’s authors and illustrators.
There is one catalogue per term and ordering is extremely easy. Simply order online, by email, fax or phone direct to the book club.
Order by Monday, 24 February and your books will be delivered to St Bede’s for distribution.
More details on titles and products may be found online at
While we love our four-legged family members, dogs are not able to come to school. The Territory and Municipal Services website states that dogs are not to be taken into the grounds of a childcare centre, preschool, primary or high school during school hours or any after school sports training events. In public places, a dog must not be taken within 10 metres of a designated play space (if children are playing on it). For further information please visit Recreation with my Dog - Transport Canberra and City Services
WVYC will hold an open day on Tuesday, 18 February. Auditions will follow for those interested on Saturday, 22 February. For more information on open day times and auditions please go to and download an application form or email or phone 1300 599 655.
Your children probably lead busy, energetic lives, no matter how old they are. Their growing minds and bodies require a healthy sleep pattern in order to function properly.
The benefits of good sleep are endless; sleep efficiency (not sleep duration) contributes significantly to improved grades in maths and languages. Unfortunately, studies have indicated that up to 7 out of 10 children don’t get enough sleep, which can lead to temper tantrums, concentration and behavioural problems, and much more.
In this article, we look at why this is and how you can ensure your children get the best possible night’s sleep. How does sleep affect your child?
Physical Health
Sleep allows our bodies to repair and rejuvenate through repairing tissue, boosting muscle mass, synthesising proteins, releasing growth hormones and maintaining a strong immune system (sleep-deprived children, for example, are much more prone to common colds and flu).
Another benefit to sleeping well is weight management. Studies have shown that young children who get less than 10 hours sleep a night are three times more likely to be obese than those getting 12 or more.
Mental: Mood, Emotion and Clarity
Ever noticed how, when you’re tired, you’re prone to crankiness and moodiness? The same applies to your children as well. Lack of sleep negatively affects the way emotions regulate, increasing your stress levels through amplified anxiety and aggression. While sleep won’t eliminate stress, it increases readiness to cope with it.
Studies have also shown that while we sleep, our brains process and consolidate memories, helping your children to remember the important things in life. In contrast, losing sleep makes you more likely to make silly mistakes and impairs problem-solving and focus, as brain neurons aren’t able to function optimally.
How to sleep better?
Here's a list of things that you can do to get your child to sleep better:
- Watch the sugar /caffeine
A can of coke or a sugary snack before bed can hinder any or all of the good work you’ve done in getting your child to bed. Diet dictates how energetic and active we are, and as you’re no doubt aware, sugar and caffeine are two hyperactive ingredients not conducive to sleep.
- Limit technology/stimuli before bed
Colourful, interactive stimuli are detrimental to your sleep because it keeps the brain active at exactly the wrong moment. Whether your children are chatting with friends, playing games or watching their favourite show, modern technology is making it harder for us all to sleep. Turn off all technology an hour or so before their bedtime. Instead, they could listen to an audiobook or relaxing music, take a warm bath, do some relaxation exercises or a play a quiet game like a puzzle.
- Keep a regular routine
Regular sleep times help maintain our body clock’s circadian rhythm and keeping these consistent will make it easier to fall asleep. This tip is especially difficult during the school holidays when routines are often relaxed, the days are longer and activities more varied. However, it can make a big difference.
- Know how much sleep is required
As a general guide, your child’s sleeping needs naturally decrease by about 15 minutes each year. Toddlers and pre-schoolers need around 12-14 hours per day, primary school-aged children should get 10-12 hours and teens will usually want 9 hours. (Grown-ups do best with about 8 hours). Do your best to meet these requirements.
Hopefully, these tips will help your children sleep like a log and wake up fresh as a daisy each and every day.