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Dear Parents,
What a beautiful day we had yesterday both weatherwise and student participation at our annual athletics carnival! It was tremendous to see the fabulous sportsmanship, everyone cheering their friends in races and encouraging each other to do their best. We had a huge number of parent volunteers this year who, together with staff, made a brilliant team to ensure that the day ran smoothly. My personal thanks to all who made the day such a success. Again the sports leaders ably led the chants and assisted students to be at their events in time for the start.
I had the privilege last week of spending time with Catholic Education staff and fellow Principals at our annual retreat. The theme was ‘The Virtue of Hope – Leading Learning and Mission’ and focused on hope in mutual trust while leading schools. Brother David Hall, the Director of the La Salle Academy at ACU, Sydney, was the facilitator and through his insights and humour we were led on a few days of prayer and reflection into our role in light of distractions in our contemporary world. It was one of the best retreats I have attended and left me with many contemplative thoughts.
With Aaron Torline stepping up this year to the position of Board Chair, we now have a vacancy for a person who has accountancy/finance expertise. This member is in addition to other parent members. If you think you have skills in this area and are interested in nominating to be part of the School Advisory Board, please let me know as soon as possible. The role would begin early Term 3 as per the constitution.
On Tuesday, March 3, we held our first P & F meeting for 2020. It was a great to see so many people interested in being involved. I wish to thank Danielle Hitchcock who has kindly taken on the role as P&F President. Also elected, Bridget Kirby (Vice President), Allannah Mackay (Secretary), Jodie Lane (Treasurer), Jenny Tiffen (Netball Co-ordinator), Jen Maher (Clothing Boutique), Sarah Crewdson and Katrina Spadafora (Snack Shack) and Fiona Torline (Class Contact Co-ordinator), who will be a formidable team. An enthusiastic fundraising committee will begin preparations for the major fundraiser for 2020 in the near future. More details will be forwarded when known.
Today concludes Parent/Teacher Interviews and Three Way Conversations held across the school. This is an important occasion in the school year where students set their academic goals and discuss with both their parents and teachers the important aspects of their learning. This year we are trialling the two different formats and I will be looking for feedback next term on its success.
Catholic Education are regularly updating schools on Covid19 (Coronavirus) and its effect on schools. In the next few days we will be provided with operational plans. It will be managed through a notification similar to the one used for updates on poor air quality at the beginning of the year. Current advice encourages parents to keep children home who display flu like symptoms. If children who are taken ill during the day with cold or cough symptoms, parents will be contacted to take their child home. All necessary precautions are being taken to ensure the safety of your child while at school. Cleaners will wipe down high use areas and class teachers will ensure desk surfaces are cleaned frequently. We have ordered hand sanitisers for each learning area, however, supply is low Australia wide, so we are waiting on deliveries. Can you please ensure your emergency contact details are up-to-date in case we need to get in touch with you? Important notifications will be sent via SZapp so if you have not subscribed, please sign up now via the instructions on the school website.
We have been very impressed with how smoothly the change in the school start and finish times are going. Just a reminder that our start to the day begins at 9am and ends at 3.10pm. There is supervision after school until 3.30pm where the children sit on the silver seats until they are collected. If you wish to stagger the collection right up to 3.30pm, it helps with carpark congestion. If children wish to play on the equipment after school, parents must supervise at all times. School friends of students may not be on the equipment unless prior arrangements have been made with the school and supervising teachers are aware.
Next week is Sabbatical Week which means a week without homework and there are no internal meetings within the school (unless previously organised) so families can spend quality time together. We also have a quiet reflective time each day after lunch when music is played. Enjoy!!
Have a lovely weekend.