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Dear Parents,
We are now into Week 3 of our return to school and everyone seems to be back in the groove. School days are still not back to normal as there are no extra curricula activities happening but we hope some of these can return to our calendar shortly. Winter has certainly arrived with very cold mornings and unpleasant winds. If any day is particularly cold, we will make sure the children are kept inside. The library is open at lunchtimes on Monday and Tuesday for activities.
Our Sacramental Program has been disrupted due to the Coronavirus. In 2020, our Year 4s are expected to prepare and celebrate first Eucharist. After meeting with Father Trenton last week, our September 20 date is still in place and the children will begin preparation next term.
This week we celebrate Reconciliation Week. Veronica Trow, our Indigenous Contact Teacher, has facilitated a beautiful banner of all the children’s hands representing this year's theme of 'In This Together'.
Following an interview process, I am very pleased to announce that Veronica Trow has secured a permanent position at St Bede’s beginning in 2021. Helen Garrity will stay on as the 5/6 Gold teacher until the end of the year.
We recently had our Board and P & F meetings for this term. Some parents attended in person allowing for appropriate social distancing while others Zoomed in so they could take part. I am pleased to announce that Jonathan Campton is a new member of the Board following a constitutional process.
Just a reminder that it is now hats off until the end of July. During the winter months when the UV threat is low, ‘Sunsmart’ Schools are encouraged to have ‘hats off’ during playtimes and sports lessons. This allows students to be exposed to appropriate levels of Vitamin D needed to keep people healthy.
We are having a few issues with uniforms. All students should now be in full winter uniform. This includes pinafores or long trousers, a shirt/skivvies with navy tights or socks for girls and long trousers with a shirt/skivvy for boys. If the boys choose to wear a collared shirt, they must have a school tie. The fleece top is school winter jacket worn over these. On sport days, students wear their school sports uniform with either the school tracksuit or the old school sport jumpers. Students may wear a coat, beanie, gloves and scarves in the school navy colour on cold mornings.
We have had a number of different builders on site in the last few weeks. Some are repairing a staff bathroom that had an underground leaking pipe. Others are assessing hail damage to our roof, particularly damage to our heating and cooling for the library. Together with the continual banging from the development next door, it is not always a quiet place just at the moment. Finally I can announce that the new bus bay will be installed beginning the week starting 15 June. Once this work is completed, I will install a new fence along the front perimeter of the school site.
Next week is Sabbatical Week. Enjoy spending quality family time together. Have a lovely long weekend. It has been a bonus having two in two weeks.
Kind regards