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First Eucharist for our Year 4 students is fast approaching and is a very exciting time for all. It is such a special occasion to be a part of and it is always a privilege to be involved in the faith development of our students. Last week I popped in for a quick visit and was invited to share scripture readings with the students through a process called Lectio Divina. The students truly blew me away with their insights and connections, both thoughtful and sincere.
Family Sessions will take place next week in the afternoons after school. This will be an opportunity for faith discussion and to engage in contemplative prayer through image and scripture. To finish the week, we will be involved in a retreat day and reconciliation in the hall.
Please keep Miss Maher in your thoughts and prayers following the passing of her grandmother and please pray for the Year 4 students as they draw closer to experiencing the Eucharist for the first time.
Nikki Dwyer
Today all students will bring home a note regarding the Water Safety Program to be held in Week 10 of Term 3.
Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 will be participating on Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 September and Years 3 to Year 6 will participate on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 September.
Students need to be enrolled online at Royal Life Saving using the unique codes and voucher numbers below. Please note you also need to return the Water Safety Program Permission Note to your child/ren's teacher.
Years 1 and 2 | WS0950STB20 | Voucher code to avoid payment | 775577 |
Kindergarten | WS1035STB20 | Voucher code to avoid payment | 556622 |
Years 5 and 6 | WS1010STB20 | Voucher code to avoid payment | 855858 |
Years 3 and 4 | WS1050STB20 | Voucher code to avoid payment | 665522 |
Please see the note for further important information regarding the Water Safety Program.
This is a reminder to help our children understand the importance of stranger safety and the need to report any unusual incidents or approaches to staff immediately.
If you become aware of an incident or notice anyone acting suspiciously around a school or child, contact police immediately on 131 444. In the case of an emergency, call 000. If you witness an incident or if you have any information that could assist police, you can contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. Information can be provided anonymously.
Please support us to keep our children safe by having conversations with your child about moving safely around the community and what to do if they ever feel unsafe. You may wish to visit the Australian Federal Police website that contains child safety information. In addition, Safety4Kids is a non-government website that has useful information and links. The Constable Kenny website also has a number of child safety tips for parents.
Catholic Education will continue to work with ACT Policing on issues of child safety.
Due to the cancellation of Kindergarten Health Screening, principals are asked to remind Kindergarten parents that Canberra Health Services are offering a targeted kindergarten health check, focusing on vision and hearing. These health checks are performed in clinics at the City Community Health Centre on Mondays and Fridays and there will be appointments available during the school holidays. Appointments can be made by phoning the Central Intake Line on 5124 9977.
Dear Parents and Carers
Just a gentle reminder that school fees are payable by tomorrow Friday 4 September except for those families on direct debit, Bpay or other arrangement with the school.
Payment can be made via cash, cheque, Bpay, Direct Debit, Qkr! and EFTPOS.
If meeting your commitment to school fees is a problem please do not hesitate to make contact with either Julie or myself.
Kind regards