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Dear Parents
Spring is here! We have daffodils blooming, blossoms bursting on the trees and the weather has certainly turned for the better. This could change in an instant at this time of year but we are making the most of it at the moment. According to the long term forecast, the weather will continue to become warmer so the students will change to summer uniform to begin next term. The students will wear sports uniform for the water safety days in Week 10.
Monday was school photo day and the students all looked wonderfully presented with hair groomed and shoes polished. Considering this date has been put off a couple of times this year due to Covid-19, is was lovely to get together for the whole school photo. The staff photo will look a little different this year as we had to socially distance.
Last Friday we celebrated Kindergarten being at St Bede’s for 100 days. It was fantastic to see so many smiling faces dressed up as 100 year olds with their grey hair, curlers, walking sticks and old cardigans. One child even had a walking frame. Thank you to Mrs Trow for organising the day and all the parents who went to so much trouble to ensure their child looked a million dollars.
This week we have held our family sessions for First Eucharist. The Year 4's will have their retreat day tomorrow and celebrate this wonderful sacrament next Wednesday at 6pm at St Christopher’s Cathedral. We are thrilled that this sacrament is able to go ahead this year and we look forward to celebrating with everyone. Thank you to Nikki Dwyer, Michelle Mangeruca and Cathy Ryan for preparing the students so beautifully.
As you know, our water safety lessons are going ahead in Week 10. This is a valuable part of the curriculum and prepares children for the summer ahead. All children should now be enrolled online. Breen and I, as well as extra staff, will attend during the sessions to ensure all children are part of an appropriate group.
We are having issues with our oval and a broad leaf weed that seems to be all around Canberra at the moment. I have asked for a consultant to come and give me some advice on ways to improve our play areas overall. I will let you know of the plans in the long and short term as soon as I can.
Can I please remind parents that we are a ‘Sunsmart’ school and so need to follow the guidelines set by the Cancer Council concerning the wearing of hats during all periods of play. A number of children have been forgetting their hats and are disappointed when they can only be in the shade. Beanies are not appropriate at this time of year.
Have a lovely weekend.