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Dear Parents
I can’t believe that we are at the end of Term 3. It has been a very different term with the coronavirus restrictions still in place but on a positive note it has been a very productive time with quality teaching and learning happening across the school. The end of the term has been quite busy with the water safety program this week and the conclusion of our dance program.
Last Wednesday evening we celebrated First Eucharist with Year 4 and their families. Despite social distancing and other restrictions, it was lovely to be able to gather together. The children looked wonderful and took this special occasion very seriously. A very big thank you to Nikki Dwyer for her organisation as well as Michelle Mangeruca and Cathy Ryan for their preparation of the students to receive the Sacrament. An extra congratulations also needs to go to Audrey, Xavier and Claudia who made their first Reconciliation in the same week as First Eucharist.
As you are aware, the P&F Association have organised a social get together on Friday 23 October at the Croatian Deakin Soccer club. This is a free event and no tickets need to be purchased however we need parents to RSVP as this event is restricted to 100 people. There seems to be quite a bit of interest at this stage which is fabulous. Interested families need to RSVP by contacting Jodie Luhrs in the school front office by Friday 16 October. This can be done by phone on 6295 6559 or via email at
There are also a few people who have kindly offered to donate prizes for an auction/ raffle on the night to raise some funds for the P&F. If this is the case, could you please email with details of the donations or prizes by close of business on Friday 16 October.
The children are expected to wear summer uniform from the beginning of next term. This includes a dress or shorts and a polo for girls and shorts and polo for boys. Of course, judgements can be made as to whether extra clothing needs to be worn if the weather becomes inclement but hats are compulsory. We have been accumulating quite a bit of lost property in the last few weeks. Many of the articles are polar fleeces and sports jackets with no names marked in them. We endeavour to return all items of clothing that have names but it is difficult when they have names of past students (second hand garments) or no names at all.
We have been having a few scary moments at pickup in the afternoon in the school driveway near the hall. All children must go to parents’ parked vehicles via the paths and not cross the driveway in front or behind cars. Parents are not allowed to drive up to the gate and call their child to the car. We have had a couple of near misses in recent weeks.
Unfortunately we are losing our Catholic Care counsellor, Gretel Burgess at the end of the term. A recruitment process has begun to find a replacement. I am sincerely hoping that a new person will begin at St Bede’s at the beginning of next term.
As we begin to organise classes for 2020, could any families who are leaving St Bede’s at the end of the year, whether for pastures new or to other schools in Canberra, please let Jodie know in the front office as soon as possible.
Over the last couple of weeks, four security cameras have been installed across the outside of the school. This has been necessary due to the amount of gatherings that have been happening on school grounds on weekends and holiday breaks. Thanks to the P&F who assisted by contributing to half the cost. Again, I would like to encourage families to visit the school and use the play equipment during the school holidays. You are our best means of security.
Have a wonderful school break. If you are travelling, take care.