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Advent and Christmas Happenings
Advent begins this Sunday! In simple terms, advent means the coming of the Lord. Some suggestions for celebrating this with your children at home would be to create your own advent wreath that can be added to your dining table. You will need a wreath (usually evergreen) and candles (3 purple, 1 rose and 1 white). Each Sunday light a new candle to represent hope, joy, love and peace. Other ideas include setting up a nativity scene in your home or creating your own Jesse tree. A Jesse tree is a bare branch in a pot that can be decorated with ornaments or images based on the Old Testament events preparing for the coming of Christ. For example, you could include a rainbow to depict Noah and the flood, a ladder to represent Jacob’s ladder. For more information about a Jesse tree follow this link.
End of Year Happenings
On the 9th December our Kindergarten class will share their play with their parents. Invitations are being sent to the Kinder Families and number restrictions will apply.
Graduation Mass - Our Year 6 Students can celebrate their Graduation Mass at St Peter Chanel’s on the 10 December at 5pm. Students will need to dress in their school uniform for the mass. We look forward to being able to gather and wish them all the best as they embark on bright and happy futures. Just a quick reminder for parents to email their hopes and dreams paragraph to Mrs Dwyer as soon as possible and thank you to those who have done this already.
End of Year Mass - The End of Year Mass will be held in our school hall. All students will gather together on the last day to bring Jesus into focus and listen to the word of God. We are looking forward to this event and hope that although smaller, it will be just as special for the children.
Toy Donations – St Vincent de Paul
Please don’t forget to support our local community this Christmas with toy donations that will help disadvantaged children this year.
Toys can be sent in with your child and placed under the Christmas tree in the front office. No need to wrap them as they will be handpicked for individual children. Due in by 8 December.
The following students received an award in Week 3:
Kinder Gold | Eddie M, Archie, Chloe |
Kinder Blue | Eddie D, Fox, Adam |
Year 1 | Zoe K, Xavier |
Year 2 | Felicity, Chloe L, Anastasia, William |
Year 3 | Hunter, Sophie K, Charlie |
Year 3/4 | Patrick, Elsie, Hugo, Liam |
Year 5 | Edward, Tom, Zalia |
Year 6 | Ruby H, Mikail, Tamille |
Kinder Gold | Noah S |
Kinder Blue | George B |
Year 1 | Henry |
Year 2 | Mateo |
Year 3 | Mattes |
Year 3/4 | Sophie D |
Year 5 | Charlotte |
Year 6 | Abigail |
Principal's Award | Iggy |
Food quantities for students lunch orders
Dear Parents
We are discovering a lot of wastage in the bins on Friday after students are getting their lunch orders. Whole sushi rolls and full bottles of flavoured milk and juice are just some of the items. Can we please ask that parents are mindful of quantities when ordering lunch. Hunger can be a difficult thing to guage but please try not to over order for your child.
As you will have noticed, the completion of the bus bay has been delayed. Richard Crookes are waiting for the Development Approval (DA) before they can open the bus bay for access. This process also delays signage and street lighting being installed. We can use the bottom carpark in front of the hall and the bunting will be removed as soon as the new grass seed has been sprayed along the retaining wall. Whilst this process has been frustrating and inconvenient, the outcome will be highly beneficial for us. Hopefully our patience is rewarded by the beginning of next year.