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A big thank you to our Year 5/6 teachers and students for organising our Opening School Mass. It was lovely to see so many parents there, and although distanced, still together as a community. Fr Norvin joined us for the first time and spoke of the links between the old and new testament. Topology exists throughout the Bible in many places, and it is nice to draw connections between the testaments giving us a deeper understanding of the scriptures.
Ash Wednesday is a time of fasting, prayer and almsgiving that leads us into Easter. Year 1 (assisted by our Year 4 Students) led the school in celebrating Ash Wednesday yesterday. Thank you, Miss Mead and Year 1, for organising this beautiful mass. Fr Trenton was back on board and sharing with us his words of wisdom about listening with our hearts this Lenten season.
Pope Francis’ message for us this year is that of renewing our faith, hope and love. We can all do with a little renewal sometimes and reminder of those things that are important in life.
“In our Lenten journey towards Easter, let us remember the One who “humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross” (Phil 2:8). During this season of conversion, let us renew our faith, draw from the “living water” of hope, and receive with open hearts the love of God, who makes us brothers and sisters in Christ.”
Exert from Pope Francis’ Lenten Message 2021
Enrolment notes have been sent home. Thank you to those who have returned these to school ready for the program to begin. Year 5/6 Students are invited to enrol in the Sacrament of Confirmation and Year 4 Students, Reconciliation and Eucharist.
Social Justice Leaders
Our Social Justice Leaders, Gabby and Elanna, have decided to form a committee to help us when organising fundraising events this year. Our first meeting will be on Monday and students from Years 3-6 who feel strongly about helping others are encouraged to attend.
Nikki Dwyer
Religious Education Coordinator
Parent Teacher Interviews/Three Way Conversations
Dear Parents and Carers,
We will be holding Parent/Teacher Interviews (Kinder to Year 2) and 3 Way Conferences (Years 3 to 6) from Monday 1 March to Thursday 4 March. Meetings can be conducted either face to face or via Zoom.
As done previously, bookings will be done electronically through the School Interviews site. You will require a code to access the booking form. The code will be provided via SZapp and parent email. The code will not be published in the school newsletter as this is accessible to the general public.
- Enter your details including your email address, then find your child/children’s class.
- You can then click on any of the available timeslots for each teacher.
- You will receive an email confirming your booking which will also include the Zoom link for your meeting if that is the method you choose.
- When accessing Zoom, we ask that you enter your meeting room 3 minutes early to ensure that you are logged in. You will then be invited from the waiting room by the classroom teacher.
IMPORTANT : The booking system will close on Thursday, 25 February at 4.00pm
If you have any difficulties accessing bookings, please contact your classroom teacher/s.