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Dear Parents,
We gathered together last week to celebrate Ash Wednesday. This important milestone in the Church’s calendar reminds us that this time of year leading up to Easter is a period of prayer, generosity and to reflect on our lives. It was lovely to see Year 1 parents and family members able to join us for this lovely event. It was also great to have Father Trenton back amongst us.
The school traditionally contributes to Project Compassion through Caritas. This year’s theme is ‘Be More’ promoting looking after both local and global communities who are in need rather than concentrating on having more ourselves. This will culminate in a “Be You" day on March 19 that is being organising by our very active social justice committee. More information will be forwarded soon.
Last Thursday we held our annual swimming carnival at the new Stromlo Leisure Centre. The students from Years 2-6 participated enthusiastically in a number of activities during the day. I was so proud of all the students on the way they conducted themselves throughout the day with their kindness to each other and cheering for their house friends. The day ran like clockwork with all children participating in one way or another. I would like to thank all parents/grandparents who attended or helped out and the wonderful staff who carried out jobs so that the day ran without a hitch. Congratulations to the sports house leaders for preparing so well for the day and to Polding who was the winning house on the day. The novelty events were a huge hit with access to the large water fun area at the new complex.
Notes with details of our upcoming annual athletics carnival at Woden track on Tuesday 9 March were distributed early this week. Please note that this day is directly after the long weekend to celebrate Canberra Day. All children from Kindergarten to Year 6 will attend.
On Tuesday evening we had our first School Board meeting for 2021. Aaron Torline will continue as Board Chair. Other members include Rhys Kyburz, Jonathan Campton, Megan Edwards, Zoe Ferrari and Kathryn Mandic. We are still looking for another member if anyone is interested. The P & F will meet for their first gathering of the year next Tuesday night in the library at 7pm. I hope as many as possible are able to attend. This first meeting often sets the community agenda for the year and everyone is most welcome.
Next week is Parent/Teacher Interviews (Kindergarten to Year 2) and Three Way Conversations (Years 3-6). Booking for this event is through School Interviews and can be accessed in person or through a Zoom link. Details on how to book were sent home last week in the newsletter. It is important that all families enter a time to make contact with class teachers to set goals around each child’s learning for 2021.
We are currently giving our garden area a revamp with new gravel, a path to the totem pole circle and new tan bark around the scrubs and trees. It is beginning to look great and when finished will make a huge difference to the whole school appearance.
We are having a few issues with children forgetting their lunch. Whilst, we will endeavour to ensure that children are catered for, we have limited resources for making lunches. Please assist us by making sure your child has all the food they need for a full day at school.
I am away on leave for the rest of this week and on Principal’s retreat for three days next week. The school is in the very capable hands of Breen Fox and the wonderful staff working with your children in an engaging way every day.
Have a lovely weekend,
Kind regards
Julie Douglas