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Dear Parents,
We were blessed with a magnificent day on Tuesday for our annual athletics carnival. It was tremendous to see the fabulous participation and everyone cheering their friends in races. I was especially impressed by all the students encouraging each other to do their best. I would like to personally thank all who helped out on the day to make the day so successful. Everything ran like clockwork! One of the highlights was the Sports houses, staff and parent relay. Well done everyone.
I had the privilege last week of spending time with Catholic Education staff and fellow Principals at our annual retreat. The theme was ‘The Inner Work of Leadership’ led by Dr Caroline Thompson, Director of Formation at Mercy Partners. The time was quite reflective and talked about the power of authentic leadership. Leadership qualities and actions consider compassion, integrity and commitment of presence as vital in the school space and have been considerably highlighted by the impact of the pandemic over the last twelve months. Contemplating and reflecting on this content will be my priorities in my role moving forward.
On Tuesday evening, March 2 we held our first P & F meeting for 2021. It was a great to see so many people interested in being involved Danielle Hitchcock will continue in the role as P & F President. Together with people who have also stayed on in a variety of positions, I would like to welcome Monica Kyburz (Secretary), Ben Davies (Treasurer), Doug Thorne, Jodie Lane, Tess Green and Ben Davies (Fundraising). We are so lucky that our St Bede’s families continues to work with us to provide community opportunities that benefits everyone. Some decisions that came from the meeting include contributing money to repair the softfall under the playground equipment and the running of the traditional Easter raffle at the end of the term. The P&F will also support the return of our successful SPICE playgroup from Week 2 next term. Attendance will be through online registration as we still have limited space due to COVID-19 restrictions. More details will be shared before the end of the term. Attached to this message is also the promised 2021 P&F Handbook that has been recently updated to reflect current practices.
Last week, Parent/Teacher Interviews and Three Way Conferences were held across the school. This is an important occasion in the school year where parents discuss appropriate goals for the younger students whilst students in the senior grades set their academic goals and discuss with both their parents and teachers the important aspects of their learning. We trialled the two different formats last year with feedback saying it was very worthwhile.
We are very aware that there are ongoing issues with parking around our school. We have recently been in contact with the necessary agencies concerning cars being parked in no parking areas and double parking in Hicks and Nuyts Streets. Inspectors from ACCESS Canberra are making regular visits to the streets around the school to ensure that access to the school by buses and family cars is available. Construction vehicles are being booked if they are parked inappropriately. We ask for your patience at drop off and pick up times.
We are delighted that we are able to meet as a school each morning to pray, celebrate birthdays and highlight things that are happening each week. Just a reminder that our start to the day begins at 9am and ends at 3.10pm. There is supervision after school till 3.30pm. If you wish to stagger the collection right up to 3.30pm, it helps with carpark congestion. If children wish to play on the equipment after school, parents must supervise at all times. Friends of students may not be on the equipment unless prior arrangements have been made with the school and supervising teachers are aware.
We continue to follow the Catholic Education COVID-19 road map set for schools at the beginning of the term. Can you please ensure your emergency contact details are up-to-date in case we need to get in touch with you.
Next week is Sabbatical Week. This is a week without homework and there are no internal meetings within the school (unless previously organised) so staff and families can spend quality time together. Enjoy!!
Finally I would like to personally congratulate the Maningo family (Gianna Year 6) and Matteo (Year 4) on becoming Australian citizens next week.
Have a lovely weekend.