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Dear Families,
Confirmation is fast approaching and we are looking forward to our family sessions in early May. Please be sure to sign up to one of these if your child is making their Confirmation this year. The links will be sent via our school SZapp tomorrow.
Curriculum update – are you wondering about St Bede’s learning approach?
At St Bede’s we plan conceptual inquiry units of work. This is an efficient way to develop central ideas and lines of inquiry, called conceptual understandings. This has been proven to be an effective approach when teaching infants and primary aged children. It is important to note that although we are not an International Baccalaureate school, IB schools also use a conceptual inquiry approach however it sits within the IB Framework. Please access this link to see similarities in our approach. Click here.
This year, adding to our teacher toolkit, we have been exploring the use of thinking routines as a means of gathering student data about what the students know and understand. We have also been using a range of provocations to engage and provoke the students, piquing their curiosity about the world around them. The next step in our inquiry journey (specifically to Religion but this knowledge can be transferred) is a focus on formative assessment.
Parish Masses
Please click here to register your interest.
Nikki Dwyer
Religious Education Coordinator
P&F Meeting - Change of date to Thursday 6 May
The P&F Meeting has been brought forward to Thursday 6 May. It will commence at 7.00pm in the school library and all are welcome.
We are now on Instagram! Follow us @stbedesprimary. This will be piggy backed with our Facebook posts.