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Welcome back to Term 3- a time of the year for growth and change in our world and in our hearts. We have a number of exciting events in the faith formation space this term, including two sacraments for our Year 4 students. We keep them in our thoughts and prayers as they prepare themselves to receive these important sacraments for the first time! A list of all events can be found below.
Family Mass, St Peter Chanel’s Yarralumla- 9:30am 25/7 (Week 2)
Mary Mackillop Mass- 12:00pm 6/8 (Week 4)
Reconciliation Year 4- 6.00pm 11/8 (Week 5)
Assumption Mass- 12:00pm 13/8 (Week 5)
Family Mass, St Peter Chanel’s Yarralumla - 9:30am 22/8 (Week 6)
Sacrament of Eucharist- 9:30am 12/9 (Week 9)
St Christopher’s Parish
During the holiday period we met with Fr Trenton to continue to foster the parish/school relationship following the success of the first family mass. A dedicated family mass has been allocated on the 4th Sunday of the month, 9:30am at St Peter Chanel’s, Yarralumla. All parish mass times can be found below. We would like to warmly invite any families interested in attending or participating in any way (readings, altar serving etc.) for the family masses, to contact either Melissa Kent, or myself Training can be provided for any students wishing to assist with serving.
Weekday Mass
7:30am & 12:15pm- St Christopher’s, Manuka
9:00am, 12:15pm & 5:00pm (vigil) - St Christopher’s, Manuka
6:00pm- St Peter Chanel’s, Yarralumla
8:00am, 11:00am and 5:30pm- St Christopher’s, Manuka
9:30am- St Peter Chanel’s, Yarralumla
Winter Appeal
A massive thank you to all family who generously donated towards our St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal collection late last term. A special thank you to our Social Justice Leaders, Gabriela and Elanna for coordinating the collection. Alongside the donation of coats, jackets, beanies and scarves a massive $500 from our St Bede’s Day celebrations was provided to St Vinnies to support their good works within our local community.
Warm regards,
Ben Macintyre
Acting REC
Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for next week (Week 2) with the exception of 5/6B and Year 2. They will be held in Weeks 3 and 4 respectively.
The parent online bookings have been open in since Thursday 24 June and will close at lunchtime tomorrow. Please note a code is required to access the bookings and this code will be sent again separately via email and Szapp due to the newsletter being in a public domain.
Arrangements have been made for after school interviews for Years 3 to 6 to be held in the library. Kinder and Year 1 parents can wait in the warm corridors. This is so that no one is left waiting outside in the cold. If any parents are unwell on the day of their scheduled interview, due to COVID restrictions they must not attend. Please let Jodie in the front office know if you are unable to attend.
Next Thursday 22 July all students at St Bede's will be celebrating Bastille Day. Children are encouraged to wear red, white and blue (the French flag colours) on the day. The children will receive a mini croissant in a paperbag for morning tea and will participate in French cultural activities in their language time during the day.