Current Families
Parents play an active role in in the St Bede's school community and contribute to the life of the school in many ways. They help in classrooms, organise social functions, run the school canteen and uniform shop (Our Boutique). The School Board and Parents and Friends give parents an opportunity to contribute to the decision making in our school community. We are very lucky to have a dedicated parent community who work in partnership with staff to provide quality education and experiences for the students at St Bede's.
We encourage all parents to participate in some way throughout the year and to get involved in their child's education. Grandparents are also a valuable part of our community and they are warmly welcomed into classrooms.
At St Bede's we support students by working with parents. It is important for parents to be aware of our Anti Bullying, Behaviour Management and Homework policies so that expectations and standards are clear for all.